Yearly Archives: 2007

United States

Three Muslims were arrested for plotting to “set off explosives in a fuel line that feeds John F. Kennedy International Airport and runs through residential neighborhoods.” One of the suspected “predicted the attacks would destroy ‘the whole of Kennedy.’” Al Qaeda leader Adnan El Shukrijumah is suspected to be behind the plot.

U.S. Naval Task Force strikes at 1998 al Qaeda Embassy bomber

Fazul Abdullah Mohammed, the intelligence chief for the Islamic Courts and other unnamed high value targets attacked in Puntland, Somalia Fazul Abdullah Mohammed. Click to view. Six months after Ethiopia’s invasion of southern Somalia to oust the al Qaeda backed Islamic Courts, the Transitional Federal Government, backed by Ethiopian armed forces and a small contingent […]


The U.S. Navy struck at an as yet unidentified target from off the coast of Somalia. Puntland forces clashed with Islamists off the Bargale coast after receiving a tip that about 35 “‘Islamist remnants™ including foreign al Qaeda linked operatives” were in the area. An Islamist boat was captured. “The foreign fighters include Yemenis, Afghans, […]


NATO and Afghan forces killed 27 Taliban, including 20 in the Zhari district of Kandahar and 6 in Paktia province. Seven Taliban leaders were captured in Ghazni and Khost provinces.


Over 10,000 Taliban gathered on the border near Quetta to hear a speech by the brother of dead Taliban commander Mullah Dadullah. This meeting, called the ‘Martyred Mulla Dadullah Conference™ meeting was “arranged by MMA™s main party Jamiat-i-Ulema Islam (Fazl).” The Taliban killed 13 in an attack on the home of Tank’s political agent. The […]

US Naval Forces Europe Prepares For AFRICOM Stand Up


Rebel Violence Leaves Three Soldiers, Two Militants Dead in Indian Kashmir


Back Channels | A general says Iraq is not hopeless


US forces storm house of Sadr’s office head in Baghdad


IAEA director Mohamed ElBaradei said his primary mission is to stop ‘new crazies’ from going to war with Iran over its nuclear program. “I have no brief other than to make sure we don™t go into another war or that we go crazy into killing each other. You do not want to give additional argument […]


The Lebanese Army entered the Nahr Al-Bared in force in pursuit of the al Qaeda linked Fatah al-Islam. Two soliders were killed as tanks and armored columns rolled into the camp under the cover of artillery and naval gun fire. “Lebanese security sources said the militants were pinned down in one area.”

Amariyah, the Anbar Salvation Council and Reconciliation

Banner of the Islamic State of Iraq. Click to view. The Anbar Salvation Council fights al Qaeda in Baghdad – the second confirmed expeditionary engagement, as reconciliation is on the table The news of battles between al Qaeda in Iraq on one side, and the residents of the Baghdad district of Amariyah, the Islamic Army […]

An Interview with General Dempsey

Tom Bevan of Real Clear Politics and I had the opportunity to conduct an interview with Lieutenant General Martin E. Dempsey, the Commander of Multi-National Security Transition Command – Iraq (MNSTC-I). LTG Dempsey’s command is responsible for developing, organizing, training, equipping, and sustaining the Iraqi Security Forces (ISF), which includes the Iraqi Army, Iraqi National […]

The Intellectual Grunt – Part Two

By Gene E. Blanton, who is currently embedded with the Multi-National Forces West Training Center in Habbaniyah. Support for Gene’s reporting was provided by Public Multimedia Inc. Lt. Col. McGrath touring his battle space between Fallujah and Ramadi. Click to view. CAMP HABBANIYAH, AL ANBAR PROVINCE, IRAQ: To the uniformed, the term “intellectual grunt” may […]


Fatah, Hamas to discuss truce with each other and Israel


US Forces hand over three Kurdish Provinces


Blair tells his critics to ‘get real™ as he hints at intervention in Darfur


Defense Chief: US Looking to Long-Term Military Presence in Iraq

United States

Plan B in Iraq – Beyond the Surge: Keeping the Military Relevant in an Asymmetric World


Moro Islamic liberation Front claims 100 fighters chasing Bali bomber