Monthly Archives: December 2007

Al Qaeda

Paris Court Convicts Five Former French Guantanamo Inmates of Terrorist Links

Al Qaeda

Ansar al-Sunnah Acknowledges Relationship with Ansar al-Islam, Reverts to Using Ansar al-Islam Name


Guards, 3 Others Arrested After Escape of British Suspect in Trans-Atlantic Jet Plot


Sheikh Abdirahim Ali Mudey, the spokesman for the Islamic courts, said the al Qaeda-backed group is gaining strength. “We will fight as long as a single Ethiopian soldier remains on our country’s soil,” Mudey said. Mortar attacks in Mogadishu killed 12, including three children.

Palestinian Territories

The IDF killed 11 members of Islamic Jihad during a series of raids in Gaza. Senior Islamic Jihad leader Majed al Harazin was killed by the IAF while traveling in a car. Israel’s prime minister said the military will hunt down those launching rockets into Israel.


Video: Targeted killing of senior Islamic Jihadist


Significant progress in Iraq security: Pentagon


The Iraqi government will fund the Concerned Local Citizens program by mid-2008. Coalition forces captured a Special Groups trainer and 11 associates; two other Shia terrorists involved in EFP attacks were captured in separate raids. Ten al Qaeda operatives were captured by police in Diyala, twelve were captured in Kirkuk, another seven were captured in […]


Muslim insurgents killed four members of a village security detail in Yala province. The leader of the group was beheaded. Two soldiers were wounded in an IED attack in a neighboring district in Yala.


Egypt: Women of the Muslim Brotherhood rebel


Mullah Omar mocked the Afghan takeover of Musa Qala. The Taliban killed 15 security guards in an ambush in Farah province. The German kidnapped in Herat is wanted for fraud. An ISAF airstrike killed several Taliban in the Kajaki district of Helmand province. Afghan forces killed an IED cell as it planted a bomb in […]


US Army deploys ‘non-lethal’ Stryker in Iraq


Soldiers captured 30 Taliban and found a Taliban hospital and communications center in Swat. The Taliban in South Waziristan declared an Eid ceasefire. The Taliban said Osama bin Laden is not in Pakistan. Police allowed al Qaeda operative Rashid Rauf to escape by letting his uncle drive him to the prison.

Al Qaeda

Al-Zawahiri: ‘Iran Stabbed a Knife into the Back of the Islamic Nation’


About 300 Turkish troops entered northern Iraq in pursuit of PKK terrorists. The incursion occurred near the Iranian border and troops went about two miles into Iraq. Security forces arrested the head of the Democratic Society Party, one of the largest Kurdish parties.


Iran™s 2003 Grand Bargain Offer: Secrets, Lies, and Manipulation


Violence in Iraq Still Falling, but Pace of Decline Slows


Coalition forces killed two senior Taliban commanders in Helmand province. Forty-one Taliban were killed in a raid in Zhari in Kandahar province. Twenty Taliban were killed during an operation in the Jalai district of Kandahar. A car bomb detonated outside the Kabul police headquarters; five civilians were killed and several police officers were wounded.


Israel ‘rules out’ attacks by Syria, Hezbollah


Russia delivers first nuclear fuel to Iran


Pakistan: British Terror Suspect in Trans-Atlantic Jet Plot Tricked Police to Escape


Coalition forces killed five al Qaeda operatives and detained 11 during raids in central and northern Iraq. Iraqi Security Forces detained 21 insurgents and defused 37 IEDs in Baghdad. Two civilians were wounded in a truck bombing at a Mosul dam; security officials believe al Qaeda wants to destroy it. Four civilians were killed and […]