Monthly Archives: December 2007


Canadian intelligence reports terrorist groups may raise funds through Qat smuggling. The mildly narcotic shrub accounts for six percent of Yemen’s GDP, employs one in seven working Yemenis, depletes scarce ground water, and limits other agricultural production. Seventy-two percent of Yemeni men and 33 percent of Yemeni women chew qat although Yemen has one of […]

Iraqi Security Forces continue to surge

The rapid growth of the Iraqi Security Forces continues as the Army looks to expand to 16 divisions. Of the 175 Army battalions, 98 are listed as in the lead for combat operations.


Report: More Libyans joining militants in Iraq


US soldiers killed 24 al Qaeda fighters, detained 37, and found an atrocity site, torture complex, and nine weapons caches north of Miqdadiyah. Coalition forces captured a Special Groups leader and two associates in Baghdad. Iraqi Security Forces killed three insurgents and captured 27 during operations in Baghdad. A suicide attack at an Awakening recruitment […]


UN extends Foreign Forces mandate in Iraq


Eight Taliban were detained in Swat. The Taliban bombed a music center, Internet cafe, and a computer college; there were no casualties. Pressure is mounting to counter the Taliban expansion in Darra Adam Khel.


Normalcy Returns to Baghdad™s Outskirts as Attacks Decline


French police detained five men associated with the Algerian-based al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb. The five were part of an eight-man cell consisting of six French nationals, an Algerian, and a Tunisian, and provided computer support for the terror group.


Iran Educates Children to ‘Seek Martyrdom’


Iranian released from US custody in Iraq

Al Qaeda

13 Iraqis, US soldier killed in Diyala suicide attack

Al Qaeda

Senior Qaeda Theologian Urges His Followers To End Their Jihad


Muqtada al Sadr may extend freeze on militia

Al Qaeda

Abu Yahya Al-Libi Calls on Muslim Youth to Join the Jihad

Al Qaeda

Saudis biggest group of al Qaeda Iraq fighters: study


Al Qaeda torture house, mass graves discovered in Iraq


Tehran, Moscow to further military cooperation


Coalition forces captured the Special Groups leader for Diyala Province. Iraqi Security Forces killed one insurgent, detained 15, and defused 10 roadside bombs in Baghdad; eight were captured in Kirkuk. A suicide bombing at a cafe in Baqubah on Tuesday killed 12 and wounded 20. Awakening movements are forming in the Shia south; Basrah leaders […]


Philippine police and soldiers captured a suspected Egyptian terrorist with links to al Qaeda and Jemaah Islamiyah in Cotabato City. The raid nabbed Mohammad Sayed, aka Abu Husein, at an apartment at the Woman’s Islamic Center. Police found bomb-making materials, a MILF military manual, and extremist propaganda. Soldiers killed six Abu Sayyaf operatives in Basilan.


Shiite awakening councils set up to fight militia


The CENTCOM commander arrived in Kabul to discuss the Afghan strategy. President Karzai will visit Pakistan in late December. Afghan and ISAF forces killed “several” Taliban fighters during a two-day engagement in Uruzgan province.


Two army captains and two soldiers were kidnapped while traveling from Dera Ismail Khan. Two children were killed in a clash between troops and the Taliban in North Waziristan. A candidate for the National Assembly was kidnapped in Charsadda after campaigning. A peace jirga has formed in Kurram to resolve the Sunni-Shia fighting.

Iranian Qods Force still active in Iraq

The newly released Measuring Stability and Security in Iraq report refutes claims Iran has dialed back terror activities. Multinational Forces Iraq credits the efforts to degrade the Qods Force networks.


Turkey says US intelligence led to Iraq raids

Al Qaeda

Abu Yahya al Libi, an al Qaeda spokesman and commander in Afghanistan, released a video via As Sahab titled “Al Nafeer,” or a call to arms. Al Libi said it is Muslims’ duty to fight the “devil” in Iraq, Afghanistan, Algeria, Chechnya, Somalia, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and elsewhere.