Monthly Archives: October 2007


Shia Tribal leaders warn Islamism on rise

Are bomb-resistant vehicles worth it?


Tribes playing vital role in fight against terror, says official

Al Qaeda

Bhutto girds for al Qaeda threat on return to Pakistan


Police arrested a Sadrist member of the Diwaniyah provincial council for his involvement with attacks, while seven police were killed in an IED attack in the province. Three police were killed and 12 wounded in a suicide car bombing in Mosul. Five al Qaeda operatives were killed and 11 arrested in raids in central and […]


Turkey’s parliament voted to authorize an incursion into northern Iraq. Iraq’s prime minister offered to conduct a joint operation against the PKK, Turkish TV reported. The Iraqi parliament condemned Turkish artillery attacks on northern Kurdish villages. The US is working on an alternative supply route if Turkey invades Iraq. A US general said Iraq was […]


Turkey Not Likely to Launch Immediate Iraq Operation Against Rebel Kurds


President Bashar al Assad said he would back a Turkish invasion of Iraq to root out the Kurdish PKK terror group. A Syrian representative at the United Nations denied the Israeli strike last month targeted a nuclear facility.


Iraq drawdown to begin in volatile area


Roadside bomb kills seven Iraqi police


Jamal Badawi, one of the al Qaeda operatives behind the attack on the USS Cole in 2000, surrendered to Yemeni authorities, according to a report. Badawi escaped from a Yemeni prison in February 2005 along with 22 other al Qaeda operatives.


Putin warns US against attacking Iran


A tanker bombing outside a police station in Mosul killed five and wounded over 80. Coalition special forces captured 10 al Qaeda operatives in raids in central Iraq. Twelve insurgents were captured in a raid in Adwaniya, and another three were captured in Salman Pak.

Al Qaeda

Germany has charged “Thaer A.,” a Jordanian, with assisting with the setup of an al Qaeda cell in the Sudan. “The aim of this group was to open up a front against the ‘crusaders’ in Sudan and waging a holy war as called for by Osama bin Laden.”


Iraqis ready to join police in Baghdad hotspots


The military and the Taliban have agreed to implement a ceasefire in North Waziristan and “four army checkposts in the area have been abolished.” The curfew in the Northwest Frontier Province has been lifted. The Afghan suicide bomber that killed his family was studying at a madrassa in Pakistan before he returned to Uruzgan to […]

Al Qaeda

Al Qaeda in Iraq terror group is on the wane, say experts


Iran’s al Qaeda: If the Revolutionary Guards aren’t terrorists, who is?


A roadside bomb seriously wounded a guard at a train station in Narathiwat province, while a clerk was shot in Pattani province. The government has extended the state of emergency in the south by three months.


A suicide bomber killed his family as his mother attempted to stop him from carrying out his attack. A Danish soldier was killed in a Taliban attack in Helmand province. US forces captured five Taliban in Paktika province.