Monthly Archives: October 2007


Syria Shuts Main Exit From War for Iraqis

Palestinian Territories

Israel foiled a plot by Fatah cell to assassinate Prime Minister Olmert; Fatah captured then released the men. The IDF wounded four terrorists in a strike in Gaza, while Hamas and Islamic Jihad clashes led to one killed and 13 wounded.


Iraq Awakening Conference urges displaced persons to return home


British SAS commandos, along with US and Australian special forces, entered Iran and attacked the Iranian Revolutionary Guard – Qods Force and Shia militias smuggling weapons and fighters into Iraq. At least six raids occurred over the past several months. Iran claimed it could fire 11,000 rockets at “enemy bases” if attacked.


Iraq and neighbours to boost intelligence exchange

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia: Embassy Spokesmen Refutes Religious Textbooks Criticisms


Iraq unable to hand over rebels to Turkey says Talabani


Twelve Turkish soldiers and 32 PKK terrorists were killed in intense fighting along the Iraqi border. Turkish forces have employed artillery and helicopter gunships. A PKK leader said a number of Turkish troops have been captured. Turkey said it plans to pursue the PKK into Iraq.


Interior Minister Sherpao said there are “visible and identical similarities in suicide bomb blasts of Charsadda, Islamabad and Karachi.” The head of a second bomber has been recovered. Police arrested three suspects in the Karachi attack. The Taliban bombed a girls school in Bajaur agency.


New generation Taliban rivalling chief: US-led coalition

Targeting Taliban commander Siraj Haqqani

Siraj Haqqani, the son of Taliban leader Jalaluddin Haqqani, has become the focus of US and Afghan National Army operations in eastern Afghanistan. Siraj has strong ties to al Qaeda central and is pushing the Taliban closer to al Qaeda.


Iraq says foreign fighters continuing to infiltrate


National Guard Brigades Alerted for Iraq, Afghanistan Deployments

Al Qaeda

Pakistan: The ISI and Terrorism – Behind the Accusations


NATO and Afghan forces killed over 12 Taliban during a firefight in the Musa Qala Wadi region of Helmand Province. Afgan police killed four Taliban in Logar province. The US will deploy a National Guard brigade to conduct the Afghan security forces training mission.


While Pakistan Burns – Al Qaeda regroups in the tribal areas, the government falters. What is to be done?


Sadr’s mouthpiece newspaper building wrecked in arson attack in eastern Baghdad


Tony Blair: Iran extremism like rise of 1930s fascism


Iraqi forces captured 34 al Qaeda operatives in Baghdad, while three police were killed and nine wounded. US forces killed Thamir Aziz Abbas Ashuri, an al Qaeda leader of an IED cell of 250 terrorists in the Baqubah area. Eleven al Qaeda suspects were captured in raids in central Iraq. US forces captured an 11-man […]


A photo of the Karachi suicide bomber has been released. The interior minister asked Benazir Bhutto to provide the names of government officials she believes are responsible for the attack on her convoy. Protests have broken out in Karachi. Ten Punjabi suicide bombers are believed to be on the loose in Rawalpindi and Islamabad. A […]


Turkish PM says expects US to act against PKK


The Rajah Sulayman Movement (RSM), a terrorist group of Christian converts to Islam, claimed responsibility for the Makati bomb attack. Security officials doubt the RSM’s claim. Abu Sayyaf denied involvement in the bombing.


Ali Larijani, Iran’s lead nuclear negotiator, has resigned, sparking concern Iran’s position on its nuclear program will harden. The foreign minister said the US is in no position to attack Iran as it is tied down in Iraq. The chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff said the US has the resources to strike […]