Monthly Archives: October 2007


Ethiopia Prime Minister rejects rebel claims of deadly attacks

Palestinian Territories

Islamic Jihad and Hamas have broken the ceasefire and resumed fighting at the Al Aqsa University in Khan Younes. Nahdlatul Ulama, Indonesia’s largest Islamic organization, is “ready to mediate” between Fatah and Hamas. An Israeli airstrike killed a senior official in the Hamas-controlled Interior Ministry in Gaza.


Iran won™t negotiate over atomic rights – president


Turkey rejected the PKK’s offer of a ceasefire. Iraq said it would help Turkey deal with the PKK. Two PKK terrorists were captured while attempting to enter Turkey at the Khabor border crossing.

Al Qaeda

“Violence in Iraq drops sharply: Ministry of the Interior”

Crunch Time in Pakistan

The situation in Pakistan worsens daily. Only a determined effort against the Taliban and al-Qaeda has any hope of succeeding – and that this effort must be led by the Pakistani government itself, however difficult that would be to arrange.


Somalia: Two Ethiopian soldiers, 7 civilians killed in violence in Mogadishu


Increasingly, the US sits down with Iraqi militants


In Iraq, Conflict on a Second Kurdish Front


Turkey says it will try talks before striking PKK

Osama bin Laden on the state of Iraq

In his latest audiotape, al Qaeda’s leader admits leadership problems in Iraq, laments the splits between al Qaeda and insurgent and tribal organizations, and implores Sunnis to eschew tribal and national loyalties for the sake of jihad.

Al Qaeda

Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden released a tape titled “Message to the people of Iraq.” Bin laden urged the insurgency to unite against the US and the Iraqi government and called on the “mujahideen in Iraq” to reject nationalism and tribal affiliations.

Al Qaeda, Islamic Army clash south of Baghdad

Over 60 reported killed as Sunni insurgent group battles al Qaeda after a local leader of the Islamic Army of Iraq was kidnapped in Madain. Osama bin Laden calls for Sunni insurgents to unite and reject the tribe and nation.


Violence in Iraq is down 70 percent since June. Over 60 were killed in clashes between the Islamic Army and al Qaeda in Khannasa. Two Mahdi Army terror cell leaders were captured in New Baghdad, and one cell member was killed. Six Mahdi Army fighters and one policeman were killed during fighting in Karbala. Terrorists […]


Turkey confirmed eight soldiers are missing after heavy fighting with the PKK along the Iraqi border. Twelve soldiers and 34 PKK terrorists were killed in the fighting. Over 100,000 troops are said to be massing on the border.


The Taliban and Gulbuddin Hekmatyar may attend a “peace” jirga in Islamabad. Benazir Bhutto plans to purge the Inter Services Intelligence of “rogue agents” providing support for the Taliban and al Qaeda. Bhutto also demanded an international investigation into the attack on her convoy.


Iraq Calls for Kurd Rebels to Lay Down Their Arms or Leave


Poland will seek 2008 Iraq troop withdrawal


US Planners See Shiite Militias as Rising Threat

Al Qaeda

Interview With New Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff


Daoud Ouhnane, one of the masterminds behind the Madrid train bombings in 2004, was reported killed in Iraq in late 2006. Coalition forces killed four wanted al Qaeda operatives and detained 11. US troops captured seven insurgents in Adwaniyah. Police captured 35 Shia insurgents suspected of firing Katyusha rockets in Karbala.


Afghan and NATO forces killed over three dozen Taliban during fighting in the Musa Qala Wadi region of Helmand province. US forces killed 20 Taliban during a battle in the Korengal Valley in Kunar province on the border with Pakistan; three civilians were killed and eight wounded during the battle. Britain may send more troops […]