Monthly Archives: June 2007


Bomb in Iraq kills 8 policemen, destroys station

Al Qaeda

Lebanese Army advances on Fatah al-Islam positions, killing 16


Abu Abdul Rehman al-Ansari, the leader of al-Qaida Fil Hind or al-Qaida in India, said Kashmir and Jammu would be the launchpad for jihad in India. “The statement mentions insurgencies in places like Iraq, Afghanistan, Chechnya, Somalia, the Palestinian territories and Algeria and describes them as a global Islamic movement ‘aimed at wiping out borders […]


Israel Says Military Action Against Iran Possible


Detachment 88, Indonesia’s counterterrorism unit, captured Yusron Ahmahmud (a.k.a. Mahfud or Abu Dujana), during a raid in the village of village of Kebarongan Kemrajenan in Central Java. Abu Dujana is believed to have replaced Abu Bakar Bashir as the leader of Jemaah Islamiyah.


A small, joint Islamic Jihad and al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades force pushed through the border crossing at Kissufim, from Gaza into Israel, and battled Israeli troops in an apparent attempt to kidnap an Israeli soldier. One terrorist was killed. PM Olmert offered to return the Golan Heights to Syria in exchange for peace.


Five soldiers were killed in fighting against al Qaeda linked Fatah al-Islam in the Nahr al-Bared Palestinian camp. Security forces arrested 3 al Qaeda, including a Belgian, in the Bekaa Valley.


Security forces arrested 15 members of the al Qaeda linked Shabaab, which is run by Aden Hashi Ayro. The militia formerly run by Islamic Courts senior leader Yusuf Mohamed Indaadde took control of towns in the lower Shabelle region after battling government troops. Ethiopian and TFG troops continue to clear Mogadishu, while an IED hit […]

Al Qaeda

Osama™s Bodyguard: Iran-al Qaeda Cooperation Based on “Joint Interests”

U.S. finds Karbala PJCC mockup inside Iran

The Fajr Garrison, a Qods Force training facility in Ahwaz. Click to view. Satellite imagery links Iran to the Karbala attack which resulted in five U.S. soldiers killed The January 20 attack on the Karbala Provincial Joint Coordination Center by the Iranian backed Qazali Network, which resulted in the kidnapping and murder of five U.S. […]


The Taliban murdered a “US spy” near Miramshah in North Waziristan and pinned a note on his chest warning others. Three were killed and 7 wounded in a bomb blast in Hub, near Quetta.

Pace leaving as Joint Chiefs chairman


Thirteen Taliban and 6 police were killed in clashes and roadside bombings in Kandahar and Zabul. Elders from the village of Gaweshak in Ghazni province “decided to no longer supply or provide safe houses for Taliban extremist fighters.” Afghan police beat back an attack against a police station in Ghazni. A large weapons cache was […]


A positive story from the Iraq war – In Anbar province, local sheikhs and U.S forces have cooperated to score victories over al Qaeda.


al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb claimed responsibility for 19 attacks since April 24. The web posting also warned “Algerians not to go near areas where western tourists work or travel and government buildings, which they say will be targeted by attacks.”


NWFP Governor Aurakzai threatened to use force against the Taliban in Bajaur “if tribal elders failed to maintain peace through jirgas.” The leader of the banned Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan was arrested in Dera Ismail Khan.