Monthly Archives: May 2007


Hunt for 3 G.I.™s in Iraq Slowed by False Trails


Dropping the AK-series for the M4/M16 platform


Triangle of Death Hostage Search: Day Six

Palestinian Territories

Israeli tanks and infantry have entered Gaza as the Air Force continues to pound Hamas positions. Three Qassam rockets struck in Sderot, with one hitting a synagogue. Three more Palestinians were killed during fighting between Hamas and Fatah just hours after the latest truce was implemented.


Prime Minister Gedi survived a IED attack on his convoy as he left the Mogadishu airport. A Somali soldier was shot and killed in the Bakara market in Mogadisu. Over 500 Somali recently trained police are prepared to take positions in the capital.


Afghan & Pakistani troops exchanged fire on the Khost-Kurram border. The attack on the ISAF/Afghan delegation in Kurram was carried out by an “individual reported to be wearing a Pakistan Frontier Corps uniform.” The Taliban killed 7 police in a twin suicide bombing attack in Kandahar. The Taliban captured a close confidant of Mullah Dadullah […]


Taliban suffers leadership shock as 7 senior commanders killed this week


Bad Move? US to Help Upgrade Pakistan’s F-16 Fighter Jets

The search in the Triangle of Death continues

a U.S. Army Blackhawk drops reward leaflets over Owesat Village on May 14 [U.S. Army photo]. Click to view. U.S. and Iraqi forces continue to scour the farming regions around Yusifiyah and Mahmudiyah in an effort to recover its 3 missing soldiers The search for the 3 missing U.S. soldiers enters its fifth day and […]


Clashes between the Taliban and security forces in Tank led to 6 killed and 15 wounded. The Interior Ministry has called for the arrest of the Quetta based Mullah Hadi terrorist group, which is “reorganising the old jihadi elements for terrorist activities in the country.” NATO has demanded an inquiry into the death of a […]


The Cabinet has authorized a “harsh and severe” response to yesterday’s Qassam attacks on Sderot. Israeli Intelligence warns that terror groups in Gaza may have Grad missiles, with a 22 km range, and Ashkelon may be hit next. Hamas has threatened to carry out suicide attacks inside Israel. A Palestinian working for Doctors Without Borders […]

Reporter and Gaza City resident describes personal terror


Street Battles in Iraqi Cities Point to Dire Security Status


Iraqi, Coalition Forces Detain Suspects in Search for Missing Troops


Top commander of Lashkar-e-Taiba killed in Jammu-Kashmir