Monthly Archives: May 2007


Iran Says Building First ‘Indigenous’ Nuclear Plant

Al Qaeda

Inside Iraq, Ansar al-Sunnah Chooses Sides… with al Qaeda


Petraeus: 2 abducted soldiers believed alive


Muslim insurgents shot and killed a Buddhist in Yala and a Muslim policeman in Narathiwat. Insurgents also murdered a pro-government Muslim chief who “was commended by the authorities for providing cooperation to fight against insurgency.”


(India) Protests across Andhra as blast toll reaches 16


Pakistani Authorities Negotiate with Pro-Taliban Islamists for Captives’ Release


Muslim Presidency Member ‘Fostering Fundamentalism’


Gunmen massacre 15 Iraqi villagers in Diyala


Two IDF soldiers were wounded in a Hamas anti-tank rocket attack. Four Qassams were launched at Sderot from Gaza on Saturday, and the IAF took out a Hamas rocket team. Israel is considering aiding Fatah to stem the rise of Hamas.


Three German soldiers were among 8 killed in a suicide attack in Kunduz. NATO and Afghan forces killed 20 Taliban after being ambushed in Kapisa province. Sixty seven Taliban, including “Chechen, Arab and Pakistani fighters,” were killed after attempting to ambush NATO and Afghan forces Paktia province.


Iraqi lawmakers argue for caution in shaping oil law


The Lal Masjid ‘brigade’ has kidnapped 4 Pakistani policemen and accused them of ‘spying™ for the government. The Taliban kidnapped 8 government officials in North Waziristan. Police believe Matiur Rehman is “spending most of his time in Waziristan training and organizing al Qaeda militants.” Christian residents of Charsadda have pleaded with the government to provide […]

Seven days of searching in the Triangle of Death and beyond [Updated]

A soldier from the 101st Airborne searches for enemy activity on a highway near Mahmudiyah in early May. Click to view. Nine detained in involvement of kidnapped soldiers, General Petraeus says information exists that two of the soldiers are alive Seven days after al Qaeda in Iraq conducted a complex attack against an Army squad […]


Pakistan focus: Who’s playing with the Karachi tinderbox?

Palestinian Territories

IAF airstrikes killed 7 Hamas operatives in Gaza. A high-ranking IDF officer the goal of the current operation in Gaza was to “make Hamas pay.” Hamas launched 11 Qassams into teh Negev, wounding 3 Israelis.


President Musharraf admits al Qaeda is in Pakistan: “Al -Qaeda is in our mountains, in Mir Ali [North Waziristan]. This is completely true.” The government has pardoned Faqir Mohammed, a self described al Qaeda leader. Tank is under curfew.


“A powerful remote-controlled bomb” tore through the Mecca mosque in Hyderabad during Friday prayers, killing 12 and wounding over 50. Three other bombs were found and defused. No group has claimed credit for the attack. New Delhi is on high alert after the blast.


A Taliban suicide car bomber attacked a government convoy in Kandahar, an killed civilians and wounded the Information and Culture Minister. A NATO airstrike on a Taliban convoy in Farah province killed 14 Taliban and wounded 10.

Pakistan’s Decline: Curfew in Tank; Faqir pardoned

NWFP/FATA map. Red agencies/ districts controlled by the Taliban; yellow under threat. Click map to view. Northwest Frontier Province continues its slide toward Talibanistan as Tank is attacked by the Taliban and Faqir Mohammed is give a pass Several events over the past week only serve to highlight the deterioration of the security situation in […]