Monthly Archives: May 2007


Iraq hunt: Body found in ‘US uniform’


A bomb blast at a crowded mall in Ankara killed 6 and wounded 80. There are no indications of who carried out the attack, but security forces are said to have detained 7 suspects.


Jaber A. Elbaneh, one of the Lackawanna Six who escaped from a Yemeni jail, has turned himself in according to Yemeni authorities. The FBI does not have confirmation. Elbaneh was one of 23 al Qaeda that escaped last summer.


Muslim insurgents shot and burned a Buddhist in Yala, while 3 police and a Time photographer were wounded responding to the murder. The Prime Minister insists on conducting talks with insurgents.


Ten Taliban were killed after attacking a police checkpoint in the Zari district inKandahar, and another two were killed in Paktia. A senior British Army source said the Taliban are using Iranian supplied SA-7 Strela surface to air missiles against NATO aircraft, as well as other Iranian supplied weaponry.


The Lebanese Army shelled Al Qaeda affiliate Fatah al-Islam in the Nahr al-Bared camp for the third day, as at least 20 fighters, 32 soldiers and 27 civilians have been killed since fighting began Sunday. Fatah al-Islam claimed responsibility for the recent bombings in Beirut, vowed to ‘fight to last drop of blood’ but then […]


The government called off an operation against the Lal Masjid. The Pakistani military attacked an al Qaeda camp in the Zargarkhel village in North Waziristan. Waziristan based Taliban are massing in Swat and being sheltered by the TNSM. A “student of a local madressah” detonated a bomb near Interior Minister Sherpao’s home in Charsadda. “There […]


More outposts being built to accomodate troops for ‘surge™


Air, ground units continue search for missing US Soldiers


Iran’s secret plan for summer offensive to force US out of Iraq


Anti-US policy “bigger than Hiroshima”


The IAF killed 4 members of a Qassam rocket cell of Islamic Jihad in Gaza. An Israeli woman is killed in a Qassam strike in Sderot. Hamas threatens to attack Israel from the west Bank. Foreign Minister Livni said Israel must continue to strike Hamas and any cease fire would be an act of deception.

The Baghdad Security Operation Order of Battle: May 21, 2007

The Baghdad Order Of Battle as of May 20, 2007. Click map to view. By DJ Elliott, CJ Radin and Bill Roggio It’s been three months since the commencement of the Baghdad Security Plan on February 14, and the operation has been marked by both considerable progress and painful setbacks. While the violence in Baghdad […]