Monthly Archives: May 2007


Turkish Court Blocks Islamic Presidential Candidate


Somali jihadist vow to continue the fight. “We have changed the strategy of our struggle against the occupation to hit and run attacks on the enemy positions,” said a jihadi. Ugandan troops are patroling the streets of Mogadishu. Locals accused Somali troops of looting after the Mogadishu battles.


Algerian security forces captured 5 suspected suicide bombers who were tied to the April 11 attacks in Algiers. The government is refusing to accept the transfer of 24 Algerian detainees currently in custody at Guantanamo Bay.

Palestinian Territories

The Eu wants to end the embargo against the PA. More from the sermon of the Acting Speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council: “[America and Israel] are cowards, who are eager for life, while we are eager for death for the sake of Allah. That is why America’s nose was rubbed in the mud in […]

New Report of Terrorist Camp in South Africa


The Great Wall of Indifference – On patrol inside Baghdad’s tensest neighborhood.


Police are widening the scope of the Chardassa suicide bombing that targeted the interior minister after indications of al Qaeda’s involvement have surfaced. The suspect is now believed to be a man aged 18-20. The Interior Ministry is the “only civilian body fully trusted by Western intelligence” [see our update on April 28].


Afghan and NATO troops killed 75 Taliban in the first day of an assault in the Sangin district of Helamnd province. Afghan police killed 4 Taliban and wounded 7 after beating off a Taliban attack on teh Spera district police center in Khost province.

Unconfirmed report: Al Qaeda in Iraq al-Masri killed

Abu Ayyub al-Masri, from a video found last year. Click to view. Sunni tribes claim Abu Ayyub al-Masri killed in battle near Taji; if true, the Anbar Salvation Council would get the credit: Islamic State of Iraq issues denial Representatives from Iraq’s Interior Ministry are reporting that Abu Ayyub al-Masri, the leader of al Qaeda […]


Chlorine gas blast kills 6 in Iraq™s Ramadi: sources


Hezbollah: Winograd report is proof we were victorious


US Likely to Confront Iran on Nuclear Activity


Sunni Ministers Threaten to Quit Cabinet in Iraq