Monthly Archives: May 2007


Hezbullah leader Hassan Nasrallah rejected the creation of a tribunal to investigate the murder of Rafik Hariri. Nasrallah claimed the US “ordered the Zionist regime to invade Lebanon last summer,” and denied that Azmi Bishara, a former Arab-Israeli Member of Parliament, spied for Hezbollah during the Israel-Hezbollah war last summer.


Yemeni kidnappers of French tourists jailed for 12 years


Moroccan security forces broke up a series of al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb cells throughout the country. About 20 al Qaeda operatives were arrested in raids nationwide.


Bombs kill 8 US troops, journalist in Iraq


A bomb was detonated in the capital of Bangkok, wounding one. Security has been stepped up in the city. Muslim insurgents killed 9 in bombings and shootings in the south.


A large force of Taliban set up checkpoints in Bajaur, and “destroyed tape recorders… snatched mobile phones and threatened clean-shaven males with ‘strict action’ if they did not grow beards.” Seven Pakistani soldiers were injured in a grenade attack in Mir Ali, North Waziristan. The Lashkar-i-Islam destroyed a military checkpoint in Landi Kotal.


NATO claimed 10 Taliban commanders were killed during last week’s fighting Herat, including one of those released in exchange for the Italian reporter. Seventeen Taliban and 8 Afghan police were killed during a clash in Farah province. Canadian troops have set up a base in Spin Boldak, on the Pakistani border.


An al-Ittihad al-Islami prisoner being held at Guantanamo Bay denied leading an al Qaeda cell. Ugandan troops are removing mines buried in the streets in Mogadishu. Schools have begun to reopen in the capitol.

Military Bloggers Wary of New Policy – Army Says Change Will Have ‘No Effect on Blogging’

Al Qaeda

Ayman al-Zawahiri has released a new videotape, where he “mocked both U.S. President George W. Bush and the U.S. Congress bill setting a pullout timetable for U.S. troops from Iraq,” appealed for the support of African Americans and other minorities, and reiterated the importance of Palestine.

Al Qaeda in Iraq High Value Target update

Muharib Abdul-Latif al-Jubouri. Click to view. Al Masri is alive, Baghdadi’s status in dispute, three other HVTs killed during Opertaion Rat Trap The past week saw a flurry of claims from the Iraqi Interior Ministry and senior Iraqi politicians concerning the death of al Qaeda in Iraq leader Abu Ayyub al Masri and Islamic State […]


US Looks at “Localizing” Convoys in Iraq


An Uphill Battle to Stop Fighters at Border – Without Syria’s Help, Iraqi General Says, Frontier ‘Can’t Be Controlled 100 Percent’


Three known IED facilitators were captured in Khost. NATO is investigating claims that up to 50 civilians were killed during attacks on Taliban positions in Herat. Pakistan and Afghanistan are forming the long awaited tribal jirga to discuss the security situation.


The Taliban bombed 20 video stores in the NWFP towns of Charsadda and Tangi, and set off a bomb outside the main gate of a girl’s school in Gujrat. The Taliban fired 10 rockets at an Army camp in North Waziristan. Female Jamia Hafsa students demanded a fatwa on President Musharraf’s policy of ‘enlightened moderation.™


Muslim insurgents shot a policeman in Pattani and a soldier in Narathiwat province. A captured Muslim insurgent said the Prime Minister’s amnesty proposal would be effective in halting the insurgency.


A roadside bomb killed 1 and wounded 22, while a former premier was assassinated in Kabul. A british soldier was killed in fighting in Helmand, while a Australian soldier was wounded in a suicide attack in Uruzgan.


Mozambique will not deploy peacekeepers to Somalia. Mogadishu businessmen begin to hand over weapons. The “time of terrorists is over,” said Mogadisu’s new mayor.


US Forces Arrest Two in Iraq for Smuggling Weapons from Iran