Monthly Archives: May 2007


A Sheik and His Uninvited ‘Guests™ Mirror Uneasy Iraq-US Ties


al Qaeda Group in Iraq Claims Responsibility for Attack on US Soldiers


Ugandan troops stopped a suicide attack in the port of Mogadishu. A policeman was wounded in a roadside bomb blast. Ethiopian troops raided a weapons bazaar in the capital. The African Union promised to send 8,000 additional troops to Somalia.

Al Qaeda

The US has extradited Mohammed Jaafar al-Qahtani (aka Abu Nasser al-Qahtani) to Saudi Arabia for questioning. Qahtani escaped Bagram prison in July of 2005, along with Sheikh Abu Yahya al-Libi, Syrian Abdullah Hashimi, and Omar al-Farouq, who was killed in Basra, Iraq.


Muslim insurgents killed two Buddhist farm laborers and wounded another inTYala province. The deputy foreign minister claimed last weekend’s bombing in Bangkok was not related to the Muslim insurgency. “Terrorism is very restricted to the deep south.” Teachers demanded better security in the south.


Iran: Superpower Nation™s Intelligence Behind Musavian™s Arrest


Hizbul Mujahideen “commander” killed in encounter in Kashmir


Sunni demand could unravel Iraqi government

Bing West’s Iraq Report

From The Jawa Report: U.S. soldiers capture flag of al Qaeda’s Islamic State of Iraq in a village in Diyala. Click image to view. I’ve reviewed Bing West’s latest report from Iraq, which was posted at the invaluable Small Wars Journal. I had the honor of embedding with Bing’s son, Major Owen West, for one […]


Afghan police killed 17 Taliban after an ambush in Farah province. One person was killed and 5 wounded during a Taliban rocket attack in Kabul. Over 100 Afghan police have been killed in the past 2 months. Canadian troops have received artillery.


The vice president of the NWFP People™s Party Parliamentarians was assassinated in Peshawar. The Lashkar-e-Islam issued a set of demands to the the Khyber Agency administration. Clerics are concerned their fatwas against suicide bombings are failing to achieve the desired effect.


In Ramadi, a ragtag solution with real results

The Baghdad Security Operation Order of Battle: May 7, 2007

The Baghdad Order Of Battle as of May 6, 2007. Click map to view. By Bill Roggio, DJ Elliott and CJ Radin The month of April was particularly hard on both U.S. and Iraqi Security Forces. As both forces push outward from larger, more secure bases, the casualties have increased. Iraqi Security Forces–both police and […]

Taliban Operation in Bajaur

NWFP/FATA map. Red agencies/ districts controlled by the Taliban; yellow under threat. Click map to view. Checkpoints set up to enforce sharia in the latest agency signed over to the Pakistani Taliban Less than two months after the Pakistani government negotiated with the Taliban in Bajaur, the Taliban have openly flexed their muscles in the […]


Iraq’s oil production falls short of goals

Palestinian Territories

The Palestinian Authority claimed al Qaeda attacked the UN run school in Gaza. The IDF vowed to take action in Gaza after today’s Qassam attack in souther Israel wounded 1. Hamas has rejected a US plan to halt the Qasam attacks in exchange for easing travel restriction. The plan was described as “terrorism.”