Monthly Archives: May 2007


Radical Iraqi cleric Sadr said to be in Iran


Al-Hakim calls for ‘security agreement’


Muslim insurgents killed 2 police at a checkpoint, and murdered a village chief in Narathiwat province. The US is pushing the junta to allow democratic elections, and said only a free government can defeat the insurgency.


Iraq’s SCIRI party to change platform – officials

Al Qaeda

Friend: Fort Dix Terror Suspect Had Bomb Recipes, Called bin Laden ‘Uncle Benny’


Hezbollah builds a Western base – From inside South America™s Tri-border area, Iran-linked militia targets US


The Taliban bombed 15 video shops in Charsadda. Fourteen mortars launched from Khost, Afghanistan landed in Miranshah. President Musharraf has announced an amnesty plan for Baluch insurgents.


The US confirmed at least 21 civilians were killed during a battle in Helmand on May 8. Eight Taliban and 4 police were killed in fighting in Ghazni and Helmand provinces, and an additional 10 Taliban were killed in an airstike in Helmand. The British are again negotiating with the Taliban in Helmand. The Taliban […]

Anbar Rising

An overview of Anbar province from II MEF. Video is 4.5 M in WMV format. Click image to view. A status update on the province The formation of the Sahawah Al Anbar, or Anbar Awakening, the grouping of Anbari tribes and former insurgents opposed to al Qaeda’s Taliban like rule, traces back to last year, […]


Soldier and sheik like brothers against al Qaeda


Algerian security forces have launched a major operation against al Qaeda in the outskirts of Tizi Ouzou, in Kabylia. Abu Musab Abdel Wudud, the leader of al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, said the group will target tourists.


Warlord Rashid Dostum said he could raise 10,000 mujahideen to fight alongside NATO forces and route the Taliban. Local tribesmen killed 3 Taliban in the Sangin district of Helmand. Pakistan said it has completed the first section of the border fence with Afghanistan.


Two were killed in 2 explosions in Mogadishu over the past 24 hours. The Somali government stated it has not ordered the burning of women’s veils. The Eu and Egypt are pressing for reconciliation between the government and Islamists.


Seven Kashmiri terrorists and 3 Indian troops were killed in a series of skirmishes in Kashmir. The UN has suspended aid programs after “militants” burned down quarters while protesting that women were employed in the UN operations.


Three suicide bombers from Waziristan are believed to have entered Islamabad. “We know that Al Qaeda has re-established itself in the Federally-Administered Territories,” said the US Secretary of Defense. “Miscreants” bombed a barber shop in Dir. Karachi Police arrested 12 in a plot to assassinate Pakistan’s Chief Justice.

Military Bloggers Eye Army Crackdown on Web Reporting