Monthly Archives: May 2007

Al Qaeda

Gulbuddin Hekmatyar: “Based on information I have, I believe Osama is alive… I also believe that it is good that he … does not appear in the media, and that it is wise that no statements or tapes are issued even after a long while.”


Somali police have set up a station near the Bakara market in Mogadishu, where several IED attacks have taken place. African Union troops have begun to de-mine the capital. Unidentified ‘gunmen’ have issued demands for 2 foreign CARE workers kidnapped in Puntland.


Yesterday’s riots in Karachi which stemmed over the arrival of the chief justice led to 34 killed and over 140 injured as the police stood by and allowed the fighting. Air and train service was disrupted or canceled due to the violence. “Armed men” attacked a private TV station in Karachi.


Mullah Dadullah, the Taliban’s most senior military commander, was killed by NATO and Afgan forces in Helmand province. NATO and Afghan forces killed 55 Taliban in 2 operations in Paktika province near the Pakistani border. The U.S. is building “super-madrassa” in Afghanistan to prevent parents from sending their children to schools in Pakistan. Iran claimed […]


Muslim insurgents killed 5 civilians in Narathiwat and Yala province as Prime Minister Surayud visited the region. Sume Muslim groups, such as PULO, have welcomed the Prime Minister’s proposals for dialogue.

Palestinian Territories

Fatah has accused Hamas of killing a senior member of the al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, and his bodyguard, in Gaza. Islamic Jihad said it will improrve the Qassam rockets being launched from Gaza. Jordan and the Palestinian Authority denied rumors of the creation of a federation.


Iraqi party for Shiite ‘revolution™ changes name


Iraqi Official Says Syria Supporting Insurgents

Mullah Dadullah, Taliban top commander, killed in Helmand

The corpse of Taliban commander Mullah Dadullah. Click to view. Afghan officials, ISAF confirm the Taliban’s most senior military leader was killed during fighting in the south NATO and Afghan forces have struck a major blow to the Taliban’s military leadership. Mullah Dadullah Akhund, the Taliban’s top military commander, has been killed during fighting in […]


Algeria security forces killed 7 al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb. Three Libyans seeking to join al Qaeda were arrested. Marijuana and hashish smokers are funding al Qaeda activities in North Africa.

Al Qaeda

Interview with a Foreign Fighter from al Qaeda’s “Islamic State of Iraq”


Voice of Ramadi speaks for police, city leaders


Over 31 were killed and 115 wounded during anti-government protests related to the chief justice were held in Karachi. The Lal Masjid issued “guidelines for enforcement of Sharia in all spheres of life.” The PML president fears talks with the Lal Masjid will break down. Christians living in Charsadda have received letters ordering them to […]


The Somali government dismissed the deputy prime minister and minister of defense for being “inactive in their governmental duties.” Four Somali security forces were killed in a roadside bombing south of Mogadishu.

Five soldiers killed, 3 kidnapped near Mahmudiyah

Red cirle likely region of attack; green is Amiriya. Click map to view. Al Qaeda attackers said to be moving towards Fallujah Al Qaeda in Iraq conducted a successful assault on U.S. Army forces in Mahmudiya. “This morning at 4:44 a.m. (0044 GMT) in Iraq, a coalition force team of eight soldiers (seven Americans and […]


NATO said it killed over 70 Taliban and wounded another 30 during a week long battle to clear the Nari Saraj district of Helmand province. At least 20 Taliban were killed in the Sangin district. NATO forces also destroyed a large weapons cache in central Helmand. The foreign minister was dismissed after failing to halt […]

Palestinian Territories

Hamas TV has continued to air the jihadi “Mickey Mouse” program that encourages children to become martyrs. Israel’s foreign minister said the West Bank must be abandoned for the creation of a Palestinian state.