Monthly Archives: May 2007

Palestinian Territories

Infighting between Hamas and Fatah resulted in 14 killed, including 5 Hamas terrorists ambushed by their own men. Israel struck at a Hamas military installation in Rafah, killing 4 and wounding 30, after up to 2 dozen Qassam rockets were fired at Sderot.


Three Taliban leaders who were exchanged for the Italian journalist were killed in the strike that also killed Mullah Dadullah. Seven Afghan police were killed and 4 are missing after an ambush in Nuristan. An ISAF convoy was hit with an IED in Herat. Tribesmen protested outside the Pakistani embassy in Kabul after border clashes.


The Islamic Courts killed 5 Ugandan soldiers in a IED attack south of Mogadishu. A clan attacked a government delegation, killing 11, including 2 journalists. Ethiopia said the time to withdraw is approaching.


Baitullah Mehsud’s Taliban from South Waziristan attacked a police checkpoint in Tank. The Peshawar suicide bombing has “links with terrorists operating in Afghanistan and Pakistan™s troubled Waziristan region,” and was directed against anti-Taliban Pakistani informants. Punjab is on high alert for suicide bombers attacking military targets.

Report: Closing in on Al Qaeda in the Triangle

Iraqi soldiers conduct a joint search mission with US troops near Yusifiyah [Getty]. Click to view. Coalition forces may have narrowed the search for the missing soldiers missing since last Saturday’s attack U.S. and Iraqi Security Forces, backed by the local tribes in Karbala and Anbar provinces, have poured into the region known as the […]


US says closing in on Al Qaeda kidnap gang


Iraqi soldiers switching over to M-16s and M-4s


Iraq makes progress on crucial constitution plan

Al Qaeda

The Abu Hafs al-Masri Brigades, an al Qaeda group in Europe, threatened France with “a bloody jihadist campaign” after electing “the crusader and Zionist Sarkozy.” Terrorism expert Rohan Gunaratna said “the epicenter [of the war] has shifted from Afghanistan to Iraq,” and abandoning Iraq would make the country a “Disneyland” for terrorists.


Iraqi Military Faces Hurdles in Its Quest to Take Charge


US Army hunts comrades as 3 troops killed in Iraq


Algerian security forces killed 27 members of al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb during fighting since Sunday. Al Qaeda has called on Algerians to boycott Thursday’s elections. “If you take part in these elections, you will be sharing those apostates’ flagrant act,” said AQIM leader Abu Mussaab Abdul Wadud.


Lebanese Prime Minister Siniora has officially asked the United Nations to form a tribunal to try the suspects involved with the assassination of former prime minister Rafik Hariri. Hezbollah has warned the creation of the tribunal will “sow divisions and discord.”

Palestinian Territories

The Hamas-Fatah civil war intensifies as Hamas attacked the presidential guard training compound in Gaza, killing 8 and wounding 20. Palestinian terrorists launched a mortar attack at an IDF position at the Karni border crossing as the infighting took place.

Al Qaeda

Iraq “has become new epicenter for ‘holy war’ against West,” says terror expert

Al Qaeda

Suspected Ansar Al-Sunna Administrator, nine others detained


NATO air strikes against Taliban hideouts in the Jalai district in Kandahar province reportedly killed commanders Mullah Abdul Hanan, Mullah Zekria and Mullah Zarif, along with about 60 fighters. The Taliban has named Mullah Bakht Mohammad as Mullah Dadullah’s replacement. The Canadian Army is beginning to train the Afghan Army.