Monthly Archives: April 2007


Turkish terrorism warning as Aussies flock to Gallipoli


Turkish Islamists face Christians’ death trial


US, Iraqi Army defend Baghdad wall plans


Juba the Sniper Legend haunting troops in Iraq


[UPDATE2] Afghan security forces claim to have surrounded over 200 Taliban, possibly including Taliban military commander Mullah Dadullah, as Taliban military leaders “gathered for a meeting in the mountain village of Keshay in Uruzgan province on Saturday.”


Chaos in Somalia as Fighting Intensifies and Death Toll Rises


US revs up reversal of Iraq’s Baath purge

Training the Iraqi Army and the Order of Battle

Iraq’s regional training facilities. Click map to view. Facts do not support the claim that the U.S. military has abandoned the training of the Iraqi Security Forces In the conventional template of reporting on Iraq, glossy, controversial headlines often fail to reflect the reality of the situation on the ground. Take the latest reporting by […]


Arab governments are backing the Thai government’s efforts to resolve the Muslim insurgency in the south. A man was killed and his wife wounded in a drive by shooting in Pattani province.


Hezbollah’s deputy prime minister admits Iran is behind the approval and funding of suicide, rocket and terror attack against Israel. Australian cleric Sheikh Taj el-din Al Hilali denied funding Hezbollah.


Hamas has called for renewed attacks on Israel after clashes over the weekend killed 9 Palestinian terrorists. Hamas’ acting speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council called for the destruction of Israel. Israel claims Syria is rearming itself for a strikee in the north.


The U.S. cannot strike at al Qaeda high value targets inside Pakistan – not even Osama bin Laden. A video of a 12 year old boy beheading a ‘U.S. spy’ is circulating in Waziristan. The Taliban bombed 3 video and music stores in a market 60 miles northeast of Peshawar. The Lashkar-i-Islam clashed with Pakistani […]


Taliban bombers in Khost and Nangahar killed 11 and wounded 40. The Canadian people and government are debating the country’s involvement in Afghanistan after a spate of casualties in Kandahar province. The Taliban has demanded France withdraw or its aid workers will be murdered.


Fighting between Ethiopian troops and Islamic Courts fighters resulted in over 60 killed and 200 wounded. U.S. citizen Daniel Maldonado (a.k.a. Daniel Aljughaifi) plead guilty to joining the Islamic Courts union and fighting jihad with al Qaeda.


Muslim insurgents killed 2 soldiers and wounded in a roadside bombing in the southern province of Pattani. The Prime minister said the government will “consider amnesty for outlaws who abandon the southern gangs.”


Baghdad™s ‘Gated Communities™ explained


Wahabi leader killed in clash with Serbia police

Al Qaeda

Al Qaeda’s Islamic State of Iraq formed a ‘cabinet’ of ministers for its shadow government. The Islamic State of Iraq also released a video of the murder of 20 members of the Iraqi security forces.


Over 20 were killed and 100 wounded during Thursday’s fighting in Mogadishu. A suicide car bomber attacked an Ethiopian army base in the capital.


Islamic State of Iraq Issues the Execution Video of Twenty Captured Employees of the Iraqi Ministries of Defense and Interior


Leading Shi’ite Religious Authority Ayatollah Montazeri Expresses Sharp Criticism of Ahmadinejad


Islamic State of Iraq Announces Establishment of the Cabinet of its First Islamic Administration


Muslim insurgents killed two young Buddhist women in drive by shooting and burned a school in Narathiwat province. Thai officials claim insurgents are now using car door openers to detonate bombs after security forces began using electronic countermeasures. The Prime Minister said reconciliation with Muslim insurgents is not an option.