Monthly Archives: March 2007

Al Qaeda

[UPDATE2] Khalid Sheikh Mohammad has admitted to masterminding the September 11 attack on the US during his tribunal in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. “I was responsible for the 9/11 operation, from A to Z,” said KSM. He also admitted to “managing and following up on the Cell for the Production of Biological Weapons, such as anthrax […]


Enabling Kurdish Illusions – Independence isn’t in the cards.

Al Qaeda

Kenya denies it arrested Saleh Ali Saleh Nabhan, an al Qaeda operative involved in the 1998 embassy bombings in East Africa. Iraqi officials claim to have captured Mohammed Younis al-Hayal, the second in command of al Qaeda in northern Iraq.


Muslim insurgents in Yala province ambushed a van, drug the passengers and shot all 9 passengers in the head, including 4 women and 2 children. To counter the rise in the Muslim insurgency, Thai security forces will distribute amulets, which serve as a spiritual talisman, to over 300,000 Buddhists. Thailand conducted a massive origami air […]


The Yemeni government has “stayed clear of becoming involved in the case in which the US government accused Sheik Abdumajeed Al-Zindani” of supporting al Qaeda. Zindani was ejected from the Islah party last month. Twelve soldiers were killed in fighting with Shia rebels


The suspended Chief Justice was roughed up by police prior to going to court today. Another ‘US spy’ was beheaded by the Taliban in South Waziristan. ‘Militants’ fired rockets at a military base in Miranshah, North Waziristan. Pakistan has begun fencing sections on the Afghan border.

ISAF denies cross border raids into Pakistan

Denial technically true; Achilles update Incidents by region in Afghanistan, 2007. Click to view. Courtesy of VSSA. Last week, western forces from Afghanistan were reported to have crossed the Pakistani border, and captured Mullah Hakimallah Mehsud, a clansman of Baitullah and Abdullah Mehsud, the two leading Taliban commanders in South Waziristan. Yesterday, NATO’s International Security […]


Iyad Allawi, US favourite, tries to make a comeback


Iran Says Bushehr Dispute Justifies Enrichment Program


Habbaniyah mayor appeals to residents to aid US projects


Tariq Ramadan was detained, charged and ordered to trial in France after insulting a police officer


Washington Post Misses the Mark on the Askariya Mosque Bombing


Georgia to increase Iraq force to 2,000 – Defense Ministry


ISAF forces killed Mullah Jamaluddin, the deputy Taliban commander of Garmsir district in Helmand. The Bakwa district police commander and 8 policemen were killed in an IED attack in Farah. Three suicide bombers killed 4 civilians in Helmand and Kandahar. The Kandahar bomber crossed the border from Pakistan.


Lawyers conducted nationwide protests over the dismissal of Chief Justice Iftikhar Mohammad Chaudhry. Police conducted a baton charge in Lahore. The leaders of the Lal Masjid (Red Mosque) in Islamabad advocate “the Islamization of Pakistan” and support the Taliban.


Somalia’s president was targeted with mortars at the Mogadishu capital. Mogadishu’s deputy mayor was targeted in an attack on his convoy, 2 were killed and 4 wounded. Islamic Courts fighters and Ethiopian troops clashed north of the capital. Ethiopian troops will withdraw from Somalia soon. The Islamic Courts have been shut out of reconciliation talks.