Monthly Archives: March 2007

Al Qaeda

Waleed Mohammed Bin Attash, the mastermind behind the USS Cole attack, confessed during a hearing at Guantanamo Bay. Iraq security forces claimed to have captured Mahmud Hamed Kamal al-Mathi – aka “Abu Qutada the Palestinian” – al Qaeda in Iraq’s chief financier.

The Baghdad Security Operation Order of Battle: March 19, 2007

The Baghdad Order Of Battle as of March 19, 2007. Click map to view. By DJ Elliott, CJ Radin and Bill Roggio The Baghdad Security Plan is now over one month old since its official announcement on February 14. While it is impossible to judge progress over the course of one month in a complex […]


Pakistani tribesman and members of the al Qaeda linked Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan clashed near Wana in South Waziristan. Ten tribesmen were reported injured. The Taliban blew up four music and video stores in Peshawar and Mardan.

Suicide Bomber targets U.S. Ambassador’s convoy in Kabul

Aftermath of the Kabul suicide bombing. Image Courtesy of VSSA. Click map to view. Ambassador not in convoy, Taliban’s Mullah Dadullah claims responsibility After months of calm following a summer campaign of suicide and roadside bombings in the capital of Kabul, the Taliban conducted another suicide attempt inside the city. The target was Ronald Neumann, […]

The Danger of Terrorist Black Holes in Southern Africa


Sunni Militants Disrupt Plan to Calm Baghdad


An author in an IRGC weekly newspaper claimed Iran can and should kidnap U.S. and Israeli officers. “We™ve got the ability to capture a nice bunch of blue-eyed blond-haired officers and feed them to our fighting cocks,” said Reza Faker. “Iran has enough people who can reach the heart of Europe and kidnap Americans and […]


Three students were killed and 7 wounded in an explosion at a Muslim school in Songkhla province. Two Muslims were killed in an attack in Narathiwat province, and Buddhist in Pattani. Twenty-five Muslim insurgents were arrested in Yala and Narathiwat. In one raid, police found “maps with marking on the spot where the commuter van […]


A Taliban suicide bomber targeting a Canadian convoy in Kandahar killed a child and wounded four others. Two police were killed in a battle with the Taliban in Farah province. The Taliban chopped off the noses and ears of workers transporting supplies for NATO in eastern Afghanistan. Almost half of the 224 schools in Helmand […]


Abu Rusdan, a senior leader of Jemaah Islamiya, warned that further attacks in Indonesia by splinter groups are likely even though past bombings “divided the militant movement… and pointed to a possible opening for authorities trying to further isolate extremists.” Rusdan is a Specially Designated Global Terrorist.

Pakistan signs the Bajaur Accord

NWFP/FATA map. Red agencies are openly controlled by the Taliban; yellow are under threat. Pakistan signs its third “peace deal” with the Taliban in the tribal agencies The much anticipated Bajaur Accord – a peace agreement purportedly with the local tribal leaders of the Mamoond tribe and the government – has been signed in Pakistan’s […]


Thailand is considering expanding the curfew beyond the 2 districts of Yala province. Six suspects were arrested in the attack on a civilian van, where 9 were executed by Muslim insurgents.


A bigger ‘surge:™ 2,600 troops to join Iraq fight early


Iran army warns US against making ‘stupid moves’

Al Qaeda’s Chlorine Attacks: The Dirty War in Anbar

Two Killed, over 350 treated for exposure in multiple attacks in Anbar; leader of Anbar Salvation Council targeted Al Qaeda in Iraq conducted a three pronged suicide car bomb attack using chlorine gas in Anbar province. On March 16, three suicide truck bombers armed with chlorine gas struck at targets in the cities of Ramadi, […]


The Yemeni government is using Salafist jihadi groups to fight rebels know as “the Believing Youth, a small band of Shiite Zaidi rebels that has been battling the government on and off since 2004.” Terrorist groups such as the Abyan Aden Islamic Army, which is supported by al Qaeda, “joined Yemen™s military efforts against the […]


The “Brigades of Tawhid Wal Jihad in the Land of Somalia” claimed responsibility for the mortar attack on the presidential palace earlier this week. The local government in southern Somalia ordered security forces to kill any suspect believed to be threatening the peace.