Monthly Archives: March 2007


Heavy fighting has been reported in Mogadishu between Ethiopian troops and Islamic Courts fighters. At least 14 were killed in the battles, and the bodies of Ethiopian troops have been reported to have been burned dragged through the streets.


Iraqi VP Calls for Talks with Insurgents


CSI: Barwanah, investigative techniques help fight insurgency


Team Tank works together to keep Hit insurgent-free


Muslim insurgents have adopted al Qaeda’s tactics, according to a Thai general. A husband and wife who were selling toys outside a wedding were murdered “before the eyes of hundreds of local residents attending the wedding.” A Thai Army patrol was ambushed, killing 1 soldier and wounding 2.


Sunni Jihad Groups Rise Up Against al Qaeda in Iraq


Indonesian police from the Detachment 88 anti-terror squad captured men from Abu Dujanah’s Jemaah Islamiya terror network, however it is unclear if Dujanah himself was captured. The government denied Noordin Mohammed Top was captured. Six were arrested and 1 killed in the raid.

Red-on-red in Waziristan

NWFP/FATA map. Red agencies are openly controlled by the Taliban; yellow are under threat. Uzbeks, Taliban battle in South Waziristan after an al Qaeda leader was murdered; fight exposes the real issues with the Waziristan Accord A rare case of internecine fighting between the Taliban and ‘foreign fighters’ has broken out in South Waziristan. On […]


The US claimed Russia will not deliver fuel to the Bushehr nuclear plant until Iran suspends nuclear enrichment. Iran has denied the report. The U.S. is tightening financial sanctions on Iran.

Al Qaeda, the Anbar Salvation Council and the Amiriya Battles

Iraqi Army, al Qaeda fight second major battle in the town in just three weeks The Fallujah – Amiriya region. Click map to view. Iraqi Security Forces fought a pitched battle against al Qaeda in Iraq in the town of Amiriya this afternoon, according to Brigadier General Abdel Karim Khalaf, the director of the operations […]


The Afghan government confirmed Taliban prisoners were exchanged for the Italian journalist, who witnessed a beheading during captivity. Three Taliban were killed during fighting in Helmand province. German soldiers oppose the deployment of Tornado surveillance planes as the intel may be used to kill Taliban or al Qaeda.


Police Yield to Sunni Insurgents’ Ultimatum


The fighting between a Taliban group led by Maulvi Nazir and Tahir Yuldashev’s Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan continues into Tuesday. Thirty have been killed in the fighting, including 2 school children caught in the crossfire. The fighting stated after an “Arab militant was killed during a training session,” the Uzbeks claim.


Muslim insurgents burned a school in Yala province and wounded a policeman in a roadside bombing. Southern townsmen are increasingly relying on militias for protection. Police have identified a third suspect in the Bangkok New Year’s Eve bombing.


Serbian police raided a “Wahabi Muslim terrorist training camp near the town of Novi Pazar,” and captured 4, while 1 escaped. “A cache of weapons, ammunition and plastic explosive with detonators was discovered by police in a nearby mountain cave.” Up to 30 terrorists are believed to have trained at the camp, and is said […]


A U.S. citizen caught during the fighting against the Islamic Courts was moved to Kenya and Ethiopia for questioning. Ugandan troops have taken over security in Mogadishu. Eritrea, which admitted to backing the Islamic Courts, warned Uganda to leave Somalia.


Baghdad Report: Checkpoint and Double Checkpoint


US instructors hope to influence Georgian army™s thinking on leadership


Family Of Missing Former Iranian Official Accuses Turkey