Monthly Archives: March 2007


Iraqi leader: Cabinet shakeup in 2 weeks

Kunar Operation as 2 Taliban leaders captured in Pakistan

U.S. forces attack a HVT in Kunar; two Taliban leaders confirmed captured in Pakistan; Mullah Dadullah speaks Mullah Dadullah on Al Jazeera. Just days after the announced capture of Taliban leader Mullah Obaidullah Akhund was arrested in Pakistan, U.S. and Afghan forces are said to be on a major offensive in Kunar province, one of […]


Commander brings fresh energy to win-or-lose campaign


America™s surge is starting to work – but can it last?


Iran: Neighbors Worried About Possible War


US night patrols in Iraq require balancing act

US scales down operations in Eritrea as row deepens


An Iraqi Tribal Chief Opposes the Jihadists, and Prays


The Pakistani government sent a 21 man ‘peace delegation’ to negotiate with Taliban commander Baitullah Mehsud in South Waziristan. “Send us soldiers: NATO soldiers,” said a Pakistani Pashtun tribal leader, who said the ISI is arming and supporting the Taliban. The Afghan Army fired at a Pakistani military post in Mohmand agency, which triggered skirmishes.


Mullah Dadullah said Taliban are fighting in Iraq. Two civilians were killed and 16 wounded in a bicycle bombing in Herat. A policeman was killed and 12 civilians were wounded in 2 attacks in Kunar province.


Fourteen were wounded after a small bomb packed with “small iron nails of about 2cm each” was detonated as passengers were exiting a ship at a port of Ambon in the Moluccas islands. The Islands were the scene of Muslim-Christian fighting that claimed 5,000 lives from 1999-2002.

Iraq Security Forces OOB: March 2007 Update

Progression of Iraqi Army units ‘in the lead’ as of December 2006. By DJ Elliott, CJ Radin and Bill Roggio The March 2007 updates to the Iraqi Security Forces Order of Battle are now available at the ISF OOB Page. Three significant events – the Baghdad Security Plan, and events in Anbar Province and Samarra […]

Al Qaeda

Mohammed Jamal Khalifa, Osama bin Laden’s brother in law, was tracked by the US, and killed a week after the US Interpol office forwarded the warning to intelligence agencies. We noted Khalifa was very likely killed by Task Force 145 the day the news broke.


Thai soldiers killed 8 Muslim insurgents during a raid on a camp in Narathiwat province near the Malaysian border. Over 100 troops are said to be tracking those who escaped. The “Warriors of Pattani Islamic State” claimed responsibility for the series of attacks on February 18.


Guardian article misrepresents the (Iraq COIN) advisers’ view


[UPDATE2] Amir Khan Haqqani, the Taliban commander for Zabul province in Afghanistan, was also detained by Pakistani security forces. Haqqani was picked up in the Gul Pak Hotel in Quetta, the same hotel where Mullah Obaidullah was captured. The US openly stated it will conduct limited cross border raids into Pakistan to engage the Taliban […]


Seven were wounded in Islamist mortar attacks in Mogadishu. Heavily armed troops from Puntland are deploying to Baidoa. The UN humanitarian coordinator for Somalia is hopeful about the prospect for peace .

United States

A Nuclear Headache – The feds are finding obstacles to sniffing out atomic weapons like suitcase nukes or dirty bombs


Both the Taliban and a Quetta police official deny Mullah Obaidullah is in custody. The NWFP assembly, led by the Taliban supporting MMA, blamed the government for the spate of suicide bombings in Pakistan. Five Taliban fighters have been arrested in Quetta. Three were killed and 10 wounded in an attack on a court in […]


Afghan and NATO forces killed 12 Taliban during a clash in Zabul province. The International Narcotics Control Strategy Report indicated that “Afghanistan™s opium production hit a record high last year and said that the narcotics trade was undermining Afghan democracy and security.”


Syria’s failure to prevent al Qaeda and Islamists terrorists from entering Iraq will be on Iraq’s agenda for the upcoming regional conference. “Most of the terrorists, especially suicide bombers” in Iraq pass through the Syrian border said the Iraqi ambassador to the United Nations.

The Amiriya Battle

Iraq. Click map to view. Iraqi police, Army and tribal fighters rout a major al Qaeda in Iraq attack Thursday’s battle in the village of Amiriya, just south of Fallujah, highlights the ongoing battle between the Sunni tribes and al Qaeda in Anbar province. At least 50 al Qaeda were killed and 80 captured in […]

Mullah Obaidullah Akhund arrested in Pakistan

Taliban Defense Minister grabbed after flurry of diplomatic pressure Pakistani security forces have captured Mullah Obaidullah Akhund, according to two of the New York Times’ sources in the Pakistani government. It should be noted this has not been confirmed by NATO forces in Afghanistan, however. Mullah Obaidullah was the Taliban Defense Minister under during the […]


Over 1,500 Ugandan troops are headed to Mogadishu. Burundi will send 1,700 peacekeepers in the near future. The size of the entire African Union force is slated at 8,000. The national reconciliation conference will be held on April 16. Islamists attempted to murder Mogadishu’s port manager.

Into Sadr City

The Baghdad Security Plan is heading to Muqtada al-Sadr’s stronghold The Baghdad Order Of Battle as of February 26, 2007. Click map to view. The absence of U.S. forces inside Sadr City, the stronghold of radical, Iranian backed Shia cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, has been a glaring anomaly to those watching the development of the Baghdad […]