Monthly Archives: March 2007

Operation Achilles: NATO’s offensive in Helmand province

Map of ISAF Mission in Afghanistan. Click to Enlarge. About 5,500 NATO and Afghan troops go on the pffensive in northern Helmand province As mentioned previously, NATO is not waiting for the spring to react to the expected Taliban offensive. The NATO led International Security Assistance Force has announced Operation Achilles the first large scale […]


Japan defence chief wants to extend Iraq mission by two years


al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb claimed responsibility for the attack on the Russian petroleum company bus that killed 1 and wounded 3, as well as other attacks in Algeria. al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb also offered amnesty to Algerian security personnel if they ‘repent.’

Palestinian Territories

Israel said Iran is training Hamas operatives inside Iran. Fatah leaders Barghouti and Dahlan are divided over control of the group. Two Hamas leaders have left for Syria due to the agreement between Fatah and Hamas. The US State Department denied scholarships supported a Hamas university.


Somalia: Police colonel and three others killed in Mogadishu


Pakistan told the US a military operation in Waziristan is out of the question after the US told Pakistan it must act now. NATO continues to conduct cross border raids. The Taliban bombed 2 barber shops and a music store in Khar.

Al Qaeda

Where Is Al Qaeda Now? – Experts Say Group Is Reorganizing In Pakistan With Young Leaders And Murky Goals


Yasser Igasan isbelieved to be the new head of the Abu Sayyaf Group. Igasan has had “terror training abroad and… connections with possible foreign financiers.” Four Abu Sayyaf were killed in fighting as the US and Philippine troops wrap up exercises.


A former Iranian deputy defense minister with knowledge of the nuclear and military establishment has gone missing in Turkey. The IAEA thinks Iran may have halted its nuclear program. Iran looks to strengthen military ties with India.

The Baghdad Order of Battle: March 5, 2007

The Baghdad Order Of Battle as of March 5, 2007. Click map to view. By DJ Elliott, CJ Radin and Bill Roggio The Baghdad Security Plan is now well into its third week of operation since the official announcement on February 14. Over the course of the last week, Baghdad has seen a significant reduction […]


Car bomb kills 26 in Baghdad book district


Basra Raid Finds Dozens Detained by Iraq Spy Unit


The Taliban have acknowledged that Mullah Obaidullah is in Pakistani custody. The Taliban claim to have captured Nawzad district in Helmand. Kabul police arrested 6 members of a ‘terror squad’ in Kabul. Two Afghan forest rangers were killed and 7 captured by the Taliban. Nine civilians were killed during an airstrike in Kapisa. Over 2,000 […]


Muslim insurgents killed 2 civilians and wounded 1 in separate drive by shootings in Yala and Pattini provinces. The defense ministry said “counter-insurgency efforts in the South were failing because security forces were too defensive and vowed to switch to more hard-line tactics to keep militants at bay.”


Major powers fail to settle differences on Iran


Yemen has released over 100 Islamist “militants,” including 19 who fought alongside the deceased al Qaeda in Iraq leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. Thirty-five al Qaeda have been charged with the September 2006 dual suicide attack on Yemen’s oil facilities.

Report: Abu Omar al-Baghdadi, leader of Islamic State of Iraq, captured

Unconfirmed report indicates Bagdadi captured in Salahadin province A map of the Sunni Islamic State of Iraq. Iraqi Security Forces are reporting that Abu Omar al-Baghdadi, the leader of al Qaeda’s political front organization the Islamic State of Iraq, has been captured in the northern city of Duluiya in Salahadin province, according to Deutsche Presse-Agentur. […]


Baitullah Mehsud promises to abide by the South Waziristan agreement of 2005. The Taliban attacked a police patrol in Tank. Another “US Spy’ was murdered in Miramshah. a TNSM imam is Swat threatened the police with violence if they tried to arrest him. The Taliban threatened to kill 3 “spy” journalists. The country prepares for […]


A group of 20 Islamic Courts fighters have been spotted near the southern town of Kolbio on the Kenyan border. The government is appealing to clan leaders to attend the reconciliation conference. Egypt promised to assist in building Somalia’s governmental institutions.


Four Russians and 4 Algerians were killed in a bus bombing. The bus carried workers of a Russian petroleum company. Algerian troops are sweeping the local region in a hunt for al Qaeda in the Mahgreb.

NATO’s Winter Offensive in Afghanistan, continued

Fighting in Helmand, Kunar, two of the most dangerous provinces, initiated by NATO forces; Taliban ambush in Nangarhar Map of ISAF Mission in Afghanistan. Click to Enlarge. While the Taliban has geared up for their yearly spring offensive, NATO forces have declined to remain on the defensive. NATO forces are currently on the offensive in […]