Monthly Archives: March 2007


The missing Iranian general who has knowledge of Iran’s nuclear program, Hezbollah and weapons smuggling into Iraq, is believed to have defected to the West. Iran is having trouble financing the Bushehr nuke plant, and has begun rationing fuel.


Muslim insurgents killed two Buddhists in the southern province of Yala. One of the men was beheaded. Two police were wounded after an IED was detonated near the man’s body. This is the 25 beheading in Thailand since January 2004.


(Iraq) The Fadhila party leaves Shiite bloc


Syria Denies Arms Crossing Border into Lebanon


18 Palestinian fugitives arrested in Israeli raid


Taliban commander and suicide cell leader Mullah Mahmood was captured in Kandahar while wearing a Burka. A ” (bomb-making) expert and logistics officer for the Tora Bora Front” was captured in Jalalabab, while five more al Qaeda were arrested in Khost. Canada is providing 200 troops as a blocking force for Operation Achilles in Helmand […]


(Pakistan) NWFP govt™s website contains errors, promotes Islamists


Over 100 Islamic courts fighters massed to attack a government base in Mogadishu. Islamists shelled the Mogadishu airport as 400 Ugandan troops arrived. “Gunmen” stormed a local meeting of police and “vigilantes” and killed 5. A former police colonel and 3 others were also murdered in the capital.

United States

Follow the Money: Challenges and Opportunities in the Campaign to Combat Terrorism Financing

Keeping the Waziristan Accord

Business as usual as the situation in Pakistan deteriorates Pakistan’s Northwest Frontier Province and Federally Administered Tribal Areas The U.S. pressure campaign to get Pakistan to clean up the Taliban and al Qaeda strongholds in the western and southern provinces has had a limited effect at best. After arresting Mullah Obaidullah and two other senior […]


AU says former rebels kill 2 peacekeepers in Darfur


Organization Makes Progress Defeating IEDs


Israel Puts Embassies on Security Alert Following Reports It Kidnapped Iranian


Commander of the 1st Brigade Combat Team credits Iraqis for Ramadi turnaround

Saudi Arabia

Saudi security forces arrested an unknown number of suspects in the murder of French tourists last week. Two suspects are sought. There is no word if those arrested are associated with al Qaeda.


Fifteen were killed after “Uzbek rebels and some local supporters” attacked a pro-government tribal leader battled in a bazaar in South Waziristan. While not stated, the Uzbeks are from Tahir Yuldashev’s Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, an al Qaeda ally based in South Wazirstan.