Monthly Archives: March 2007

Al Qaeda

Saleh Ali Saleh Nabhan, one of the al Qaeda operatives behind the 1998 embassy bombings in Kenya & Tanzania is believed to have been arrested in Mombasa, Kenya. Iraqi sources are claiming Abu Omar al-Baghdadi, the leader of al Qaeda’s Islamic State in Iraq, has been captured. This is the third such claim this week, […]


Troop Defections Threaten Pakistan’s Operations in Tribal Regions


General Asgari™s defection won™t change much


Bangladeshi police arrested Mahtab Khamaru, a close aide to Bangla Bhai, the operational commander of Jagrata Muslim Janata Bangladesh (JMJB). Bangla Bhai, Abdur Rahman (the spiritual leader of JMJB) and three other members of the JMJB’s Majlis-e-Shura were arrested in the spring of 2006.


Afghan and Iranian border forces clashed after the Iranians entered Afghan territory. One soldier from each side was killed. Eight suspects have been arrested for the murder of a German aid worker. Canadian forces were hit by two suicide attacks in Kandahar on Thursday, while one NATO was killed during combat operations in the south.


As noted here yesterday, the deputy Taliban commander captured by US forces in South Waziristan was named Hakimullah Mehsud, a clansman of Baitullah. Police in Tank arrested a suicide bomber and found two suicide vests. The Taliban fired two rockets at a fort in Miranshah, North Waziristan. A fuel tanker heading to Afghanistan was also […]


Official Denies Reports US Is Holding Iranian General


Ali Reza Asgari, the Iranian IRGC general and former deputy defense minister, is reported to have defected to the West. The IAEA has cut half of its nuclear aid to Iran. Jundallah kidnapped 4 IRGC soldiers in


Analysis: Al Qaim is island of stability


Iraqi forces arrest nine people involved in attack against Shiites


[UPDATE2] An unconfirmed report indicates Tahir Yuldashev, the leader of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, was captured in today’s cross border raid into South Waziristan. Another unconfirmed report indicates 2 top Pakistan nuclear scientists are in Taliban Custody


(Barwana, Iraq) Unprecedented recruiting event yields record 60-plus recruits


Rebels say kidnap 4 Iran troops, issue video: TV


Former Iranian Defense Official Talks to Western Intelligence


Islamic Courts fighters attacked a Ugandan convoy in Mogadishu, killing 9 civilians and wounding two soldiers and 26 civilians. Ethiopian troops are preparing to withdraw from the southern port city of Kismayo.


More on Abu Omar al-Baghdadi’s Alleged Identity

A cross border raid into Waziristan; Achilles update

Map of ISAF Mission in Afghanistan. Click to Enlarge. Deputy Taliban commander in Waziristan captured by Task Force 145; Taliban commander arrested in Kandahar; Tora Bora Front cell broken up; Achilles update As NATO and Afghan forces are on the offensive in northern Helmand province, U.S. special forces have conducted a cross border raid in […]


A German who was with “pro-Taliban tribals in Pakistan’s Waziristan area” has been arrested and charged “with being an intelligence agent.” A jirga has convened to settle the fighting between Uzbek terrorists and a pro government tribe in Waziristan. A ban on shaving has been instated in Lower Dir in the NWFP. The U.S. does […]

Featured Embedded Report: Chris Muir from Iraq

In mid-February, Chris Muir, the talented cartoonist behind day by day, a political comic strip prevalent in the blogosphere, embedded in Mosul for five days. Public Multimedia, Inc, my non-profit media company, was proud to sponsor Chris for this embed. Chris is the first of several embeds Public Multimedia will put into the field this […]


The Shiite extremist groups in southern Iraq


Baghdad Security Efforts Seem to Yield Results

Al Qaeda

The Global Islamic Media Front released “The Caravans of Martyrs on the Soil of Somalia,” which is the biographies of five Somali Islamic Courts “martyrs.” al Qaeda in Iraq issued a statement denying the capture of Abu Omar al-Baghdadi.