Monthly Archives: March 2007


Shrine Bombing as War’s Turning Point Debated


Shiite Iraqi PM Visits Sunni Stronghold

Al Qaeda

[UPDATE2] The Arabic newspaper al-Hayat reported Afghan security forces captured Sidi Abtar, who is said by Pakistani intelligence sources to be a close aide to Osama bin Laden, in Nuristan province. “The man, identified as Sidi Akbar, is accused of not only helping the al Qaeda leader escape but also of having hosted him in […]


Muslim insurgents attacked a Burmese construction camp in Pattani province and killed 3 and wounded 4. One of the workers was beheaded. A bombing in Yala wounded 4, while a school was torched in Narathiwat. “An Associated Press investigation conducted over the past three months indicates the separatist rebellion, which has already taken the lives […]

The Baghdad Security Operation Order of Battle: March 12, 2007

The Baghdad Order Of Battle as of March 12, 2007. Click map to view. By DJ Elliott, CJ Radin and Bill Roggio The Baghdad Security Plan and the greater Iraq security operation is now over four weeks into its execution. Over the past month, Baghdad has seen the sectarian murders decrease significantly. Al Qaeda in […]


UN Team Says Sudan is Orchestrating Crimes in Darfur


Iraq: Sunni Arab Leader Discusses National-Salvation Front


Twelve police and 10 Taliban were killed in clashes in Kandahar and Farah over the weekend. The US is deploying the ‘Shadow Wolves,’ which includes members of the Navajo, Sioux, Lakota and Apache Indian tribes, to hunt Taliban in on the Pakistani border. Thirty members of Hizb-i-Islami are joining the peace process.

Al Qaeda

Ayman al-Zawahiri, al Qaeda’s second in command, issued a new videotape titled “Palestine is Our Concern and the Concern of Every Muslim” via As Sahab. Zawahiri railed against Western leaders the UN, and the International Criminal Court, claimed the US is losing in Iraq and Afghanistan, and chastised Hamas for participating in elections and abandoning […]


Troops score small victories – A battalion hits the streets, befriends Iraqis who help nab suspects


Agencies Tangle on Efforts to Help Iraq


A Swiss newspaper is reporting Mullah Obaidullah Akhund has been freed, but this has not been confirmed. Baitullah Mehsud prevented fighting between “local Taliban members and foreign militants”led by an Iraqi named Abu Okash. The dispute was over tinted windows. A tribal ulema in Darra Adamkhel ruled suicide bombings are forbidden and beards are not […]


Somali government and Ethiopian forces continue to battle Islamic Courts insurgents in Mogadishu. The Cabinet will relocate from Baidoa to Mogadishu. Ugandan troops are now securtng the Mogadishu airport.


A suicide bomber detonated his vest in an Internet cafe in Casablanca, killing himself and wounding three, including his ‘companion.’The men were “seeking access to terrorist Web sites,”and “when the owner’s son forbid them from doing so, one of the men suddenly blew himself up.”


The Pakistani National Assembly threatened to stop participating in the war on terror if Congress passes sanctions. Yet another “US Spy” was murdered near Miranshah in North Waziristan. Three ‘miscreants’ were killed after firing on Pakistani border force while attempting to cross from Afghanistan into North Waziristan.


Mullah Naqib, an influential tribal leader in Kandahar, and 8 others were seriously wounded in a roadside bomb attack on his convoy. Naqib negotiated the Taliban transfer of power in 2001 and has been critical of the group. Gulbuddin Hekmatyar now claims he has not split with the Taliban.

The Abu Omar al-Bagdadi Saga

The Leader of al Qaeda’s Islamic State of Iraq has not been captured. Again. A map of the Sunni Islamic State of Iraq. For the third time this week, Abu Omar al-Bagdadi, the leader of al Qaeda’s political front organization the Islamic State of Iraq, was reported captured by the Iraqi Interior Ministry. And for […]

Al Qaeda

Abu Omar al-Masri, The controversial Imam from Milan Talks to Asharq Al-Awsat