Monthly Archives: February 2007

The war in the shadows against Iran & Sadr

The remains of a bus destroyed in Zahedan, southeastern Iran. 18 IRGC soldiers were killed. (AP Photo). Click photo to view. A bomb killed 18 IRGC soldiers in Iran, Mahdi Army continues to be targeted While the U.S. military and intelligence proceeds cautiously on exposing Iran’s involvement in Iraq’s insurgency, and treads carefully on exposing […]


A car bomb killed 18 Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps soldiers on a bus in southwestern Iran. The European Union is pessimistic about being able to deter Iran from developing nuclear weapons.


PM Maliki announces the beginning of the Baghdad operation. Sadr aides insist he is in Iraq, the military disagrees. Iraqi Special Forces captured a Mahdi Army arms merchant / financier and a cell member in Baghdad. 27 al Qaeda were detained in Ramadi, Karma, and Baghdad. Jordanian intelligence helped defeat an al Qaeda in Iraq […]

Al Qaeda

Terror in the Maghreb – Al Qaeda linked groups are spreading from Algeria and Morocco into Tunisia.


Officials Promoting Terrorism in Pakistan’s Tribal Areas

Muqtada al-Sadr left Iraq, in Iran

Muqtada al-Sadr. Under pressure, the leader of the Mahdi Army fled to Iran Muqtada al-Sadr, the radical Iranian backed leader of the Jaish al-Mahdi, or Mahdi Army, left Iraq several weeks ago and is staying with ‘family’ inside Iran, according to an ABC News report. Military officials told ABC News Sadr is said to have […]

Al Qaeda

Ayman al-Zawahiri’s latest tape rails against President Bush and Muslim ‘collaborators’, calls the Democrats complicit, claims the U.S. is losing in Iraq and Afghanistan, and states the West is facing jihad “in Chechnya, the Philippines, Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine, Lebanon, the Arabian Peninsula, Egypt, Somalia, Algeria, and everywhere the Crusaders and Zionists have desecrated the lands […]


Badgers Down: Starting to Move Forward


US details methods insurgents use to shoot down copters


Iraq: Samarra Bombing Set Off Year Of Violence


Suicide Truck Bombing in Baghdad Kills 15


al Qaeda in the Maghreb (formerly the GSPC) has claimed responsibility for 7 coordinated attacks on police, which killed 6 and wounded 30. The attack comes as concern in Europe increases over the spread of al Qaeda in North Africa.


Darfur rebels say govt attacks as peace envoys visit

North Korea

North Korea has agreed “to shut down its main nuclear reactor and eventually dismantle its atomic weapons program” in exchange for 1 million tons of fuel oil. “The United States will also begin the process of removing North Korea from its designation as a terror-sponsoring state and also on ending U.S. trade sanctions.”


Iraq will close the Iranian and Syrian borders for 72 hours. Coalition and Iraqi forces detained an al Qaeda “military planner” and 14 terrorists throughout Iraq. US force and the Iraqi Army detained 10 insurgents in Mosul, and another 10 in Al Haswah. 934 Iraqi soldiers graduated from training in Habbaniyah, which is one of […]


Three were killed and 20 wounded after bombs ripped through two buses in a Christian village. “”Banana-shaped’ bombs weighed between four and seven pounds” and “were packed with metal pellets and placed under seats,” said security officials. “The blasts were minutes apart.”


Anxiety grows on Iran’s eastern border – Rumours grow over Iranian interest in Taliban heartlands of southern Afghanistan and tribal regions of Pakistan


The Taliban have taken the Helmand district of Washir, while an attack on the Kajaki dam was repulsed. 22 Taliban were killed during the fighting. The Taliban is implementing IED tactics. Norway will send 150 special forces, but to Kabul.

Iranian sniper rifles in the hands of Iraqi insurgents

The Telegraph reports a large quantity of Austrian made .50 caliber sniper rifles were seized in Baghdad The Steyr HS50 sniper rifle. Click photo to view. On the heals of a U.S. military presentation which provided evidence of Iranian made Explosively formed projectiles, mortars and other weapons being supplied to to Iraqi terrorists, as well […]


$5 million US reward for Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad suspects

Al Qaeda

A new tape by Ayman al-Zawahiri, his third this year, is expected to be released on the internet shortly. The tape is titled “Lessons, Examples and Great Events in the Year 1427 [2006].” LTG Eikenberry said the trail for Osama and Zawahiri “has gone cold.”


Several Somalis were killed an wounded after the presidential compound was mortared, and stray rounds hit civilian neighborhoods. Islamists attacked the home of the commerce minister. A curfew has been put in place in Kismayo after a bomb atack yesterday. The parliament passed a new ant-terrorism law.