Monthly Archives: February 2007


The Afghan government wants to negotiate with the Taliban in Musa Qala to get them to leave without fighting. Afghan security forces captured Taliban commander Mullah Duad Trabi in Khost. A rocket attack forced 2 USAID workers to leave the Kajaki Dam project in Helmand.


The Iraqi Army killed 1 member of the Mahdi Army and detained 4 in operations in Baghdad. Sadr is in Iran, according to a Maliki aide. He left without telling his own lieutenants, many whom left to prevent being targeted in the Baghdad crackdown. The Iraqi courts convicted a Syrian intel officer of arming foreign […]


Ahl al-Bayt Brigades Posts Video Showing Abducted US Army Sergeant Ahmed Qusai Al-Taie


Missiles drive US staff from Kajaki dam that Royal Marines fought to save


Iraqi government adviser says al-Sadr in Iran

Suicide attack planned on Wilders


Musharraf calls for more Waziristan-like peace deals, and said FATA will merge with the NWFP. The ban on shaving beards has been extended throughout Bajaur, thanks to a Taliban decree. US General Eikenberry called for strikes against the Taliban in Pakistan and said the ISI is supporting the terrorists.

Al Qaeda

Islamic State of Iraq Reprimands Media for Calling it “al Qaeda in Iraq”


Analysis: Iran, ‘a very serious threat’


Iran envoy Larijani visits Saudi for nuclear talks


Troops Sweep 3 Shiite Areas in Baghdad Push


Spain on edge as Madrid train bomb trial begins


Iran Revolutionary Guards: Unit engraved emblem on US ship

The NATO Winter Offensive in Afghanistan

NATO doesn’t wait for the Taliban’s spring offensive as the Taliban attempts to seize Helmand province, launches Operation Kryptonite Map of ISAF Mission in Afghanistan. Click to Enlarge. NATO forces and the Taliban aren’t waiting for the snows to melt in the mountain passes, and are battling it out in the southern province of Helmand. […]


The US has indicted an American for training and fighting along side al Qaeda and the islamic Courts in Somalia, and conspiring to use WMD [full indictment here]. In his latest speech Zawahiri supported terrorist attacks in Somalia and the continuation of the jihad.


France arrests 11 in Iraq recruitment probe