Monthly Archives: February 2007


The US Treasury Department has sanctioned three Iranian companies for WMD proliferation. Japan has also imposed sanctions for nuclear activities. Iran is involved in Yemen’s civil war. Clashes and bombings continue in the southeastern city of Zahedan, where 11 IRGC soldiers were killed two days ago.


A roadside bomb killed the Bajaur agency surgeon and wounded 3 doctors. A bomb was detonated in a market in Tank. Three al Qaeda linked terrorists were arrested in Karachi. Islamabad is on alert after intel that a terror cell has been activated. NWFP Governor Aurakzai called the Taliban “a nationalist movement, a resistance movement, […]


Troops leaving Ramadi see fruits of their work


Turkish military official optimistic towards US’ seriousness in combating PKK

Saudi Arabia

Pakistan to play a pivotal role in Saudi strategy to build a strong Sunni block to counter Iran


A Muslim village leader was shot in a mosque, while 8 soldiers were injured in two separate bombs attacks in southern Thailand. The new Thai government wants to negotiate with the Muslim insurgents.


US forces killed 1 Taliban and captured six during raids in Eastern Afghanistan. “Our war preparations, especially in southern Afghanistan and in Helmand province, are complete and for this our 10,000 fighters are ready to take up arms the moment they are ordered,” said Mullah Abdul Rahim, the Taliban’s operational commander for southern Helmand province. […]


Iran’s Quds Force is “deeply enmeshed in Iraq.” Civilian deaths have dropped significantly in Iraq and Baghdad. Iraqi forces captured an al Qaeda cell leader in Muqdadiyah. The 1st Iraqi Army Division in Anbar is now under government control.

Al Qaeda

New “Martyr” Stories From al Qaeda’s Network in Iraq


Chad violence could erupt into genocide, UN warns


An Indonesian ‘militant’ was ordered to behead 3 Christian schoolgirls in Poso. “He had joined Tanah Runtuh to learn to recite the Koran, but then had been trained in military skills.” Indonesian authorities are on high alert for terrorist activities in Poso. Jailed Bali bombers have been found with cell phones.


Iraqi President Says Al-Sadr Backs Security Plan


Trainers see progress in Iraq National Police


US Officials Worried About Iranian Involvement in Iraq

Al Qaeda

Spain furious as US blocks access to Madrid bombing ‘chief’


Algerian police killed 26 suspected terrorists and arrested another 35 during operations in the mountainous region of Qashra, near the eastern city of Skikda. This is an area where al Qaeda in the Maghreb (formerly GSPC) is known to operate. al Qaeda claimed responsibility for seven bombing attacks in Algeria on February 13.


Moroccan police arrested 7 “Salafite Jihadists” believed to be linked to al Qaeda in the Maghrebin the city of Meknes. Explosives were also reported to have been confiscated during the raid.

al Qaeda in Iraq leader al-Masri capture reports incorrect

Abu Ayyub al-Masri, from a video found last year. Click to view. Iraqis back off the claim, U.S. denies he is in custody, as does al Qaeda’s Islamic State of Iraq Last evening’s reports of the capture of al Qaeda in Iraq leader Abu Ayyub al-Masri appear to be incorrect. Brigadier General Abdul-Karim Khalaf, the […]


Peshawar police traced the recent suicide bombing in the city back to Baitullah Mehsud. The Islamabad airport bombing is traced to the Amjad Farooqi group, which is a subset of al Qaeda linked Jaish-e-Mohammad. Amjad Farooqi was “linked to suicide bombings, hijackings, the killing of US journalist Daniel Pearl and assassination attempts on Pakistani President […]


Mortar and rocket attacks killed 1 and wounded 10 in Mogadishu. The interior minister blamed the Islamic Courts for the rash of attacks. Kenya released two ICU linked businessmen.

al Qaeda in Iraq Leader al-Masri reported wounded; aide killed

Abu Ayyub al-Masri. Reports are unconfirmed; US military is silent; aide may be the chief of al Qaeda’s security detail Iraqi and Coalition forces may have gotten a lucky break in the hunt for the leader of al Qaeda in Iraq. CNN is reporting, based on a source in the Iraqi Interior Ministry, that Abu […]


(Indonesia) Former Militia Leader Warns Jihad Could Start Outside Poso