Monthly Archives: February 2007

The Baghdad Order Of Battle

By DJ Elliott, CJ Radin and Bill Roggio The Baghdad Order Of Battle. Click map to view. A crucial component of the new Iraq security plan is securing the capital city of Baghdad. The plan is to split Baghdad into two subcommands (Divisions) east and west of the Tigris River. An Iraqi Army general has […]


The US will release evidence of Iran’s involvement with supplying weapons to Shia groups. Coalition forces killed 10 IED emplacers in Diyala and Salahadin provinces. A US airstrike accidentally killed 5 Kurdish soldiers in Mosul.


(China) Alleged Muslim separatist executed


Marines assist in raids on Haditha insurgents


The Taliban is digging in at Musa Qala. NATO has offered minor support for upcoming operations, and question the utility of sending more troops. Afghans are forming an ideological opponent to the Taliban. Russia is considering relieving Afghanistan of its $10 billion debt.

Hunting al-Masri; al Qaeda’s Strelas (updated with video)

Abu Ayyub al-Masri. Task Force 145 likely on the trail of al Qaeda leader Abu Ayyub al-Masri; al Qaeda anti-aircraft cells may be using latest version of Strelas The Hunt for al-Masri Coalition forces received a big break yesterday, with the arrest of a close aide to Abu Ayyu al-Masri, the leader of al Qaeda […]


On Your Dime — US Broadcasting Iran’s Propaganda?


Police discovered armed mortar shells near the convention center in Islamabad. Taliban leader Baitullah Mehsud denies being behind the wave of suicide attacks. Pakistan is investigating a purported NATO incursion inside its borders. The border mining plan has been canceled.

Nuclear terrorism risk seen growing


US SecDef Gates said solid evidence exists Iran is supplying IEDs to the insurgency in Iraq. Iran plans celebrations on Sunday for its nuclear program. The chief Iranian negotiator canceled his meeting in Europe “due to illness.”

Palestinian Territories

Hamas and Fatah agree on the creation of a unity government. Hamas wants the West to accept the government, but refuses to recognize Israel. Israeli police quell rioters at the Al Aqsa mosque. Israeli officials blame Egypt for arms smuggling into Gaza.


Shiite District, Flash Point in Baghdad, Rebuilds

Al Qaeda

al Qaeda in Saudi Arabian released the jihadi propaganda monthly “Voice of Jihad”, where it calls for the attack on oil infrastructure world wide. An aide to al Qaeda in Iraq leader Abu Ayyub al-Masri was captured in Mahmoudiya, south of Baghdad.


Friends of Somalia Brigades Reports Attacks on American and Ethiopian Targets, Somali Presidential Quarters


Afghan forces detained 8 ‘terrorists who confessed to a string of killings in the southern city of Kandahar,’ while two Taliban were killed in a battle in Zabul. A senior defense official said NATO must launch an offensive against the Taliban. “It will be a bloody spring,” according to Said Jawad, the US ambassador to […]


US troops open Joint Security Station in Doura


The Taliban bombed a children’s relief agency in the NWFP and attacked a social welfare office in South Waziristan. An Intelligence Bureau inspector was gunned down in Darra Adamkhel. NATO considers deploying 2,000 troops to the Pakistani border. “Four more militant suspects from the NWFP” were detained for suspicion in involvement in wave of suicide […]