Monthly Archives: February 2007

Radio Schedule

I’ll be on the radio at Monday, February 12 at 8:40 pm Eastern on The World Tonight with Rob Breakenridge. The topics will be Iraq and the bombings today in Baghdad. To listen online, visit the AM 770 website CHQR and click LISTEN LIVE.


Six Taliban were killed and 12 captured, while five police were killed during fighting in Helmand and Zabul provinces. The US claimed it killed a Taliban commander, but the Taliban spokesman said Helmand commander Mullah Abdel Hanan survived the attack. A Canadian Senate report said Canada should reconsider its mission if NATO does not up […]


Italy foils ‘arms for Iraq plot’


Iran denied supplying Iraqi groups with weapons. The slides of evidence from the briefing can be seen at the BBC. The European Union agreed on Iran sanctions, but is willing to conduct further negotiations. An Iranian general claims Iran is mass-producing stealth drones.

Baghdad bombings, al Qaeda and the insurgency

The National Intelligence Estimate gets it wrong A map of the Sunni Islamic State from an al Qaeda video. Image from MEMRI. A pair of bombs ripped through a predominately Shia market in eastern Baghdad, killing at least 80 and wounding hundreds. While no group has claimed responsibility for the attack, the likely culprit is […]


Bombs Kill at Least 80 People in Iraq


Morocco bids to host base for new US Africa Command


Founder of Islamic Movement in Israel slams Holocaust denial


Russia intensifies efforts to rebuild its military machine


A suicide bomber killed 30 in Tikrit. Iraqi security forces killed 6 and detained 36, including an al Qaeda “prince” (or emir). Over 140 were arrested in Baghdad sweeps. The vice-minister of health is ” facing charges of aiding the militia of the Mahdi Army by appointing many of its members in the ministry.”


A grenade attack killed 4 and wounded 5, including senior military officers, during a celebration in Kismayo. Islamists bombed a police station in Mogadishu, wounding a policeman and several others. Twenty Somali Islamists, and 4 Britons have been deported from Kenya to Somalia, and have been charged with fighting besides the ICU.

Pakistan: Peace in our time

Map of ISAF Mission in Afghanistan. Click to Enlarge. U.S. shells Taliban in Pakistan; The Musharraf government insists on negotiating with the Taliban, despite their string of attacks on government institutions and continuation of attacks in Afghanistan U.S. forces have begun to conduct artillery strikes into western Pakistan from Afghanistan. In an interview with the […]


US army denies reports about helicopter crash in N. Baghdad

EU Undertakes Major Assault on PKK, Backed By US


Evidence shown of Iran’s involvement in Iraq chaos


U.S. forces shelled Taliban positions inside Pakistan, in North and South Waziristan. The U.S. brigade commander describes the fighting with the Taliban on the border in Afghanistan’s Paktika and Khost provinces as “intense,” with “World War I type” combat.