Monthly Archives: January 2007


Mahdi Army Commanders Told ‘Not to Resist’ US Troops


Kenya: Country Sends Ministers to Seek Troops for Somalia


700 kilos of explosives found in Egypt’s Sinai


Arab leaders express alarm that Iraq could fall into all-out civil war


Thanks, guys, for keeping us alive – Marines shielded Free Press staffers in face of death


Video of Two Saddam Aides Executions Shown


Reports indicate Sheikh Ahmed Sharif, the leader of the Islamic Courts, has been captured in Kenyan (unconfirmed). Ras Kamboni, the Islamic Courts and al Qaeda base in the south, has fallen. Anti-government protests are occurring in northern Somaliland.


A United Nations human rights report states that 34,000 Iraqi civilians were killed in 2006, while the Iraqi government claims a third that number. At least 103 were killed in violence in Baghdad, including a bomb at Al-Mustansriyah University. Iranian president sent message to Saudi Arabia about cooperation on Iraq, despite evidence that Iran is […]

Pakistan hits al Qaeda, Taliban camp; Taliban spokesman captured

NWFP/FATA. Click map to view. Attack occurs in South Waziristan as SecDef Gates visits Afghanistan; a pattern of Pakistani behavior Early this morning, the Pakistani military struck at an al Qaeda and Taliban camp in the Zamazola region of South Waziristan. “The attack was launched at 6:55am this morning by army gunship helicopters against the […]

An Interview with PFC Alanko

While in Iraq last December, I was made aware of Acute Politics, a military blog (or MilBlog) from a soldier in the field. Acute Politics is written by Private First Class Gordon Alanko, an engineer serving in the Fallujah region with Alpha Company, Task Force 321 Engineers (Task Force Pathfinder). PFC Alanko and his fellow […]

The Fall of Ras Kamboni

Satellite map of southern Somalia. Click image to view. An unnamed senior Islamic Courts leader is captured in Kenya after Ras Kamboni is taken following five days of heavy fighting The al Qaeda and Islamic Courts base in Ras Kamboni, which sits on the southernmost tip of Somalia, has fallen to the joint Ethiopian and […]


The Pakistani government rejects claims the Taliban are operating in the country. “Local Taliban” killed an “Uzbek fighter” after he ran a Taliban checkpoint in North Waziristan. An oil tanker was bombed by the Taliban just before crossing the border in Kandahar, Afghanistan. A bomb was discovered outside of the NWFP parliament building and diffused. […]


Barzan Ibrahim, Saddam™s half brother and former intelligence chief, and Awad Hamed Al Bandar, former head of Iraq™s Revolutionary Court, have been hanged. A senior official of the Sunni Endowment was gunned down in Baghdad. 50 insurgents were arrested in Diyala, and another 32 in Abu Ghraib. Seven Iraqis, including a policeman, were killed by […]


Muslim insurgents beheaded a Buddhist man and shot his wife, while another Buddhist was murdered in a drive-by shooting. Insurgents also damaged a bridge and railway in bombings in the Muslim south.


IDF troops kill two Palestinians approaching Gaza security fence


Ahmadinejad offers Nicaragua help against “common enemies”


Somalia War Widens — Eritrea Sides with Al Qaeda


Nuclear work goes on, says defiant Iran


Violence kills, injures 11 Iraqis in Mosul


Tribal leaders in Jazeera join with US forces to fight insurgents, form police station


Argentina Pursues Iran in ’94 Blast As Neighbors Court Ahmadinejad