Monthly Archives: January 2007

High Value Targets

Muhammad Hanif, in Afghan custody Senior Taliban, Abu Sayyaf detained, killed in Afghanistan and the Philippines; Islamic Courts leader possibly captured in Kenya, another killed in an airstrike; Pakistan on the hunt for al Qaeda leader Coalition forces have made some strides in degrading the leadership of the global Islamist movement. Two senior Taliban commanders […]


al Qaeda suspect quizzed in Turkey over Iraq hostage beheading


US wins backing for Iraq buildup from Gulf states


One of the five IRGC members arrested by US forces in Irbil, Iraq is wanted by Austria for killing 3 Kurds in Vienna in 1989. Ali Larijani, Iran’s chief nuclear negotiator and head of security council, is traveling to Syria for talks. Russia sold Iran modern, short-range TOR-M1 anti-aircraft systems, and plans on selling more […]


Captured Taliban spokesman Muhammad Hanif said Mullah Omar is living in Quetta. “He is protected by the ISI.” Pakistani authorities are hunting Abu Nasser, “who holds a senior position in Osama bin Laden’s al Qaeda network.” He was thought to have been injured in the Zamazola strike.


NATO forces captured the Taliban commander of Panjwai district, Kandahar in Helmand province. An Afghan security guard and an interpreter stopped a suicide bomber outside of a US base in Kabul. US SecDef Gates considers sending more US troops to Afghanistan after meeting with President Karzai.


The Philippines has confirmed Abu Sulaiman, one of the top five leaders of Abu Sayyaf with a U.S. bounty of $5 million, has been killed in fighting on Jolo island. Abu Sulaiman, believed to be the mastermind behind the 2004 ferry bombing, and Bonia Ysmael were also killed by Philippine forces. The Philippine military denies […]


Russian security forces are on heightened alert at rail stations and airports after warnings of terrorist attacks. 546 Chechen fighters have accepted amnesty since August 1, 2006, and 8 more surrendered despite the deadline expiring on January 15.

Reviewing the Waziristan Accord: Negotiating with the Taliban Shura

The Pakistani claim that the Waziristan Accord was not negotiated with the Taliban is false, says jirga member Governor Ali Jan Orakzai in 2004, when he was a general in the Pakistani Army. Click picture to view. Just one day after helicopter strikes on a Taliban and al Qaeda training camp in Zamazola, South Wazirstan, […]

Russia Warns Citizens of Possible Security Threat


Twelve Taliban and one British soldier were killed during fighting in Helmand province. British troops, strapped to the wings of Apache attack helos, attempted to rescue their fallen comrade. Lt Gen Eikenberry wants more NATO troops to fight the Taliban.


Clash kills Turkish soldier, three Kurdish PKK terrorists

New Zealand to give $200,000 to fight terrorism in Pacific


Russia: Anti-terrorism committee warns of transport terror threat


Yemen says al Qaeda fugitive killed in clash

Battle in Sri Lanka’s east leaves at least 16 combatants dead


Israel Defense Forces Chief of Staff resigns in the wake of internal inquiries into the war with Lebanon last year. Israel denies a “secret deal” with Syria reported by Haaretz. Two Palestinians carrying explosives approached security fence in Gaza and were killed by IDF soldiers. Fewer Israeli civilians died in 2006 than in previous years.

Iran and Venezuela plan anti-US fund

United Kingdom

UK prosecutors displayed a tape of a bomb device misfiring in a crowded Underground train during the trial of six men involved in the failed attack. A terrorism suspect on a control order absconded. Turkey is questioning an al Qaeda prisoner about Kenneth Bigley’s death.