Monthly Archives: January 2007

Patrolling with the Snake Eaters

On the streets with the Iraqi soldiers of the 3/3-1 “Outcasts” of the 3/3-1 MTT. Click image to view. KHALIDIYA, IRAQ: The Snake Eaters of the 3/3-1 are held in high esteem by the Marine and Army trainers at ASP Outpost. As with the 3rd Battalion, 2nd Brigade, 1st Iraqi Army Division in Fallujah, the […]


Pakistani villagers show what they claim is unexploded US missile


Americans captured in Somalia fighting for the ICU


Muqtada al-Sadr’s spokesman Abdul Hadi al-Daraji and an al Qaeda in Iraq leader have been captured by Coalition forces. 15 members of al Qaeda’s Omar Brigade have been killed by US-supported elite Iraqi police forces.


Pakistani tribesmen claim US launched this week’s airstrike on suspected al Qaeda hideout


Sunni insurgent group claims it killed American


Times of London correspond Zahid Hussein chronicles the failure of the 2004 Pakistani military campaign in Waziristan and claims that there are 15 terrorist training camps around Wana and Shakai. Intelligence agencies believe al Qaeda’s revitalization is due in part to its safe haven in northern Pakistan.


Jordan wants peaceful nuclear program: King Abdullah


Moqtada al-Sadr’s political movement says US wants confrontation


Abu Sayyaf leader Khaddafy Janjalani’s death confirmed with DNA test

Sri Lanka

4 Sri Lankan government troops were killed as control of Vakarai, the eastern stronghold of the LTTE, was seized. Several thousand civilians are fleeing the renewed violence. The Sri Lanka government says it is working to share power with Tamils.


Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas of Fatah is in Damascus to hold talks with Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal. He is expected to call for early elections if a unity government is not formed. President Bashar Assad says Syria ready to “stand alongside” Iraq after diplomatic visit from President Talabani. Potential US discussions with Syria are heavily […]


The African Union approved a plan to send nine battalions of African peacekeeping troops to Somalia. Gunmen in Mogadishu attacked a convoy of Ethiopian troops. The president’s palace was unsuccessfully assaulted.


Thai intelligence agencies claim al Qaeda linked Jemaah Islamiah is involved with the Bangkok New Year’s Eve bombings. The Thai government still claims the attacks are “related to people who lost political benefits,” implying ousted PM Thaksin and his party are responsible.

Habbaniyah and the 3/3-1 Snake Eaters

Joint Army, Marine Military Transition Team works with the Iraqi Army in one of the most dangerous regions in Anbar province The 3/3-1 rolls out on a mission. Click image to view. KHALIDIYA, IRAQ: Despite major clearing operations in Anbar province in 2004 and 2005 (what I’ve termed the Anbar Campaign), the province remains one […]


A bomb exploded in a crowded bus station in the state of Assam, killing two people and wounding 10, police said. The United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA) is suspected.


A prominent follower of Muqtada Al-Sadr, a high-level, illegal armed group leader according CENT-COM, was arrested. Defense Secretary Robert Gates visits Iraq. Iraqi police and soldiers are targetted in violence in Anbar province. In Samarra, Iraqi Police Forces captured the suspected leader of several Al Qaeda in Iraq terror cells.


Officials Predict Shiite Militia Will Lower Profile in Baghdad


Phillipines: Arroyo vows to finish off Sayyaf after top leader killed


Rebuke in Iran to Its President on Nuclear Role


Sunnis Linked to al Qaeda Claim Killing of American

Palestinian Territories

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas will meet Hamas political chief Khalid Mesha’al in Damascus tomorrow to work on an agreement. Israel will free $100 million in frozen tax funds for Abbas. Hamas doubles the number of prisoners it wants released in exchange for Gilad Shalit.


Over 400 fighters from the Mahdi Army have been arrested. PM Nuri al-Maliki says Iraq would need far fewer U.S. troops if the United States gave Iraqi security forces sufficient weapons. Over 20 were killed in violence in Baghdad. “The Council,” a terrorist group, is defeated.

Back in Iraq

I’m back in Iraq for a brief embed with a Police Transition Team in the Habbaniyah region, which is just west of Fallujah. This will complement my coverage from Fallujah in December of 2006, and will allow me to compare and contrast the state of the Iraqi Police in the two regions. If you would […]


Give us guns – and troops can go, says Iraqi leader


French Visit to Tehran, Seen as Diplomatic Faux Pas, Is Aborted