Monthly Archives: January 2007


Iraqis see US push against Sadr’s Mehdi Army


(Somalia) From Marine to warlord: The strange journey of Hussein Farrah Aidid


ISAF is targeting the Taliban leadership. Mullah Dadullah claims 2007 will be filled with “suicide and guerrilla attacks on NATO, American and coalition forces.” The Taliban conducted a rocket attack from inside the Pakistani border, and burned down a school for refugees. France said it is not withdrawing from Afghanistan.


Quitting nuclear treaty an option, says Iran

Pursuing the Islamic Courts

The Somalia Battlefield on 1/2/2007 [No changes]. Light blue – Ethiopian & TFG advances. Green – ICU territory. Orange – recent clashes. Click image to view. Islamic Courts leadership unaccounted for; foreign fighters captured fleeing to Kenya After taking the southern port city of Kismayo, the news has dried up on the pursuit of the […]


Protest in Samarra, other Sunni areas over Saddam hanging


Jordan Baathists pledge loyalty to Saddam deputy Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri


US forces raided an office of Sunni politician Saleh al-Mutlaq as part of raids on al Qaeda safehouses. Six inurgents were killed. Iraq shut down the Sharkiya TV station for “reporting false news and inciting sectarianism.” The Iraqi Army captured 3 al Qaeda cell members near Fallujah. Six insurgents were detained near Yusufiyah.


Chipping Away at the Sectarian Story: An Interview with Quais Abdul Raazzaq


UNIFIL on alert after fears of attacks by Hezbollah


Israel rejects demand to release 1,000 prisoners for Shalit


Thailand’s junta leader blamed political opposition for the New Years Eve bombing campaign, and warns more attacks may be in the offing. Three were killed and 38 wounded in nine seperate bombings throughout the capital of Bangkok.

Al Qaeda

Veil-wearing Muslim women are part of our fight – al Qaeda chief


Coalition forces captured a terrorist in Kunar province. A police chief in Farah was captured during a Taliban raid. Two Afghan police in Herat were killed by Taliban bombs, and another was wounded.

Africa Command plans approved by Bush, DOD officials confirm

The Islamic Courts Abandons Kismayo

The Somalia Battlefield on 1/1/2007. Light blue – Ethiopian & TFG advances. Green – ICU territory. Orange – recent clashes. Click image to view. Mutinies, defections in the Islamic Courts after a brief battle north of Kismayo Ethiopian forces quickly moved south to pursue the al Qaeda backed Islamic Courts after taking Mogadishu last Friday. […]


al Qaeda, Laskhar-e-Jhangvi, and Taliban led by Abdullah Mehsud conspired in carrying out suicide attacks in Karachi in the spring of 2006, and operated from Waziristan. Pakistan tells the US it will not conduct military operations in Waziristan despite knowledge of the dominance of the Taliban and al Qaeda in the region.