Monthly Archives: January 2007


US on the alert for terrorists trying for escape by sea from Somalia


Ottawa confirms Canadian connection to Somali border arrests


Documents confiscated from Iranian agents show Iran is supporting both Shia and Sunni insurgents, including al Qaeda and Ansar al-Sunna. A US unit is working to combat Iran’s influence in the Middle East. The IAEA is reviewing Iran’s nuclear program again.


[UPDATE 2] Coalition forces detained 23 terrorists in Ramadi. Marines uncover 12 weapons caches in Anbar, and find Iranian made weapons. Contractors will be subject to the Uniformed Code of Military Justice (USMJ), reports DefenseTech.


Afghan and NATO forces killed 20 Taliban in Helmand. The Taliban claim to have taken over the Washir district in Helmand, but Afghan government issued a denial. Pakistan’s PM will visit Afghanistan.

Pakistan’s Continuing Slide

NWFP/FATA. Click map to view. The Taliban problem has not gone away, and al Qaeda continues to plot against the West from within Pakistan The Pakistani government has finally admitted it has a Taliban and al Qaeda problem, but refuses to take the needed action to confront the terrorist groups. reported late in December […]

Hunting the Islamic Courts on the Kenyan Border

The Somalia Battlefield on 12/29/2006. Light blue – Ethiopian & TFG advances. Green – ICU territory. Orange – recent clashes. Click image to view. Islamic Courts spokesman claims its leaders are still in country Ethiopian armored an air formations continue to pursue the remnants of the Islamic Courts army that has fled the battlefield in […]


Ethiopian Troops Leave Security In Mogadishu to City’s Residents, Disarmament Order Is Roundly Ignored


Top Iraqi Sunni chief thrown to his death


Iraq will investigate Hussein’s execution, particularly the taunt and unauthorized video recording. A Maliki aide was arrested for taking the video. Hussein’s co-defendants are to be executed Thursday. U.S. forces in Ramadi captured 23 suspects with ties to senior al Qaeda leaders. The Central Criminal Court of Iraq convicted 48 security detainees from December 8 […]


Kenya has deported over 300 Somali refugees fleeing the conflict. Kenya transferred troops to guard the Kenyan-Somali border to prevent Islamic militants from entering the nation. The UIC vows to ‘rise from the ashes.’ UN World Food Programme begins to return to normal operations.


Bush Risks Losing Control of Iraq Policy

Al Qaeda

Addressing the American People and Their Allies on the Occasion of the New Year, Wishing a Year of Death, by the Global Islamic Media Front


al Qaeda arms dealer, 3 associates, slain by US forces in Baghdad


Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei is reported to be seriously ill. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Iran would give the West a “historic slap on the face” and “stands by its nuclear rights and will do its best to defend them.” Israel’s Institute for National Security Studies said military action is the only way […]


Israeli military locations shelled with mortars – Quds Brigades


Balikatan joint military exercises with the Philippines & US will continue


Hamas accepts Israeli offer of 450 Palestinian prisoners for Shalit


Ethiopian helicopters hit a Kenyan border post while firing on fleeing ICU forces. Two Ethiopian soldiers were killed in Jilib during an attack by an ICU fighter. The new Interior Minister calls for dissolving the Ethio-Somalia border and uniting the two country’s militaries.