Monthly Archives: January 2007


Bush Plan for Iraq Requests More Troops and More Jobs

(Sri Lanka) Suspected female suicide bomber kills 11

Russia denounces US arms sanctions on three Russian firms for exporting weapons to Libya and Iran


Maliki warns critics, says Saddam hanging an Iraqi affair


Iraq conflict has spread terror, says Chirac


Two killed, 45 injured in grenade explosion in Kashmir


Eqypt refuses to pull the plug on al-Zawraa television, an insurgent propaganda outlet which is broadcast via Egypt based NileSat, despite U.S. pressure. See our feature on al-Zawraa, and the response by Mishan al-Jabouri, the owner of al-Zawraa.

Palestinian Territories

Three Hamas were killed in fighting with Fatah. PA President Abbas has declared Hamas in Gaza an illegal armed group, while Hamas states it plans on doubling its forces. Egypt allowed PM Haniyeh smuggle $20 million into Gaza.


The Iraqi government has initiated an operation to restore order in Baghdad. Both Sunni insurgents and Shia militias are to be targeted. A clash ina Sunni neighbor led to 30 insurgents killed, including 5 Sudanese. Coalition forces captured an al Qaeda cell leader in southern Baghdad who is said to “tied to senior level al […]


Two ICU financiers were captured in Kenya. Seven Oromo Liberation Front Fighters from Ethiopian are being held in Kenya after crossing from Somalia, making the number of foreign fighters captured at 23. Senior ICU leaders are said to be in Yemen for talks. Violent protests in Mogadishu were organized by the ICU.


The Taliban burned a school in Kunar province. One NATO soldier was wounded in an IED attack in Kandahar, while 4 more were wounded in a suicide attack in Paktika.


Five NATO troops wounded in roadside suicide car bomb attacks in Afghanistan

Iran and al Qaeda in Iraq

Qods Force logo. Click image to view. Further evidence of Iran’s support of the Shia death squads and Sunni al Qaeda has emerged. At the end of December, two Iranian agents of the Qods force were arrested in a SCIRI compound in Baghdad. The Iraqi government was angry over the arrests, as the Iranians were […]


US and Britain reportedly ‘to target Mahdi Army’

Al Qaeda

State Department Warns Traveling Americans of Al Qaeda Fighters in East Africa


Renewed U.N.-African push for peace pact in Darfur


2 new generals tapped to lead military in Iraq

al Qaeda, Islamic Courts gather the new Somali Jihad

Zawahiri, Islamist Courts lay the groundwork for the insurgency While the Islamic Courts repeatedly denied any connection to al Qaeda, the evidence to the contrary is overwhelming. Hassan Dahir Aweys, the ‘spiritual leader’ (and in fact the operational leader) of the Islamic Courts is wanted by the U.S. government for his connections with al Qaeda. […]

Palestinian Territories

A cleric is murdered after calling for an end to fighting between Hamas and Fatah. The founder of Palestinian Ansar al-Sunnah was assassinated. Two homes in Sderot were hit by Qassam rockets. The IDF raided the West Bank in search of an Islamic Jihad terrorist.


Tehran admits building underground atomic deposits


El Salvador to send more troops to Iraq


Sunnis eye reckoning with head Iraq Shia