Monthly Archives: January 2007

Al Qaeda

Abu Musab Abdul Wadud, the Emir of GSPC in Algeria, issued a videotape, which included a pledge of “obedience of his soldiers” to Osama bin Laden. Abu Yahya al-Libi also issued a tape on the spread of Shia power in the Gulf and accused the Saudis of protecting the Shia.

Al Qaeda

Mounir El Motassadeq, 9/11 plotter, jailed for 15 years


Chinese security forces killed 18 suspected terrorists and destroyed an alleged terrorist training camp in Xinjiang


Peshmerga has nothing to do with Baghdad Security Plan – Ministry of Defense


UK troops destroy a Taliban training camp in Helmand province. The Taliban call the Pakistani plan to fence the border a ‘conspiracy,’ as Pakistan starts construction. The Canadians donated $10 million to the Afghan police. Afghan police kill 2 Taliban and capture 4 in Zabul.

The Battle of Ras Kamboni

The Somalia Battlefield December 25, 2006 to January 3, 2007. Light blue – Ethiopian & TFG advances. Green – ICU territory. Orange – recent clashes. Click image to view. Heavy casualties reported after days of fighting on the Kenyan border Just one day after a Somali military commander proclaimed military operations were over and Ras […]


Ayatollah Ali Khamenei appeared in public after rumors of his death, and said Iran would not back down on its enrichment program. Israel denies reports it is planning tactical nuclear strikes on Iran’s nuke facilities. Iran is in the midst of an oil crisis.

Plan Sets Series of Goals for Iraq Leaders


Iran Won’t Cut Cooperation With IAEA


‘The rocket exploded 30ft away and its fin smacked my helmet   it was brilliant’


A Somali commander said major military operations on the Kenyan border are over and Ras Kamboni is under Somali control. A protest broke out in Betelweyn after a Somali Army commander was arrested by Ethiopian forces for refuseding to turn over an Islamic Courts leader. Fighting in Mogadishu claimed one after a militia attacked an […]


A former secretary general of NATO said the Afghan mission “may sound death knell for NATO” as the countries are unwilling to commit troops to the fight. “I think we ought to ask ourselves if this doesn’t work, what on earth NATO is for?” The European allies are also giving little money to the Aghan […]

Featured Embed Report: On Patrol with the Gators

Bill Ardolino from INDC Journal is currently embedded as a reporter with U.S. forces in Fallujah. Public Multimedia, Inc., my non-profit media corporation, assisted Bill with the embed process by providing advice, guidance and equipment lists. We are pleased to reproduce Bill’s latest update from Fallujah, On Patrol with the Gators, and thank him for […]


Iraq Will Be Petraeus’s Knot to Untie


Tribals in Kurram agency have noted a marked increase in NATO reconnaissance flights, and believe it portends airstrikes on ‘outsiders.’ During 2006, Pakistan saw 657 terrorist attacks which caused 907 deaths and 1,543 wounded. NATO is accusing British PM Tony Blair for promoting “Musharraf-like policies” in Afghanistan by negotiating with the Taliban. Musharraf said “some […]


Revealed: Israel has plans nuclear strike on Iran


Filipino Marines forces killed 6 Abu Sayyaf , including Jundam Jamalul (aka Black Killer), who was wanted by the U.S, and captured 2. Gufran (aka Abu Samur), an Indonesian aide to Jemaah Islamiyah leader Dulmatin, was also killed. Abu Sayyaf second in command Isnilon Hapilon has been spotted in Basilan and a manhunt is in […]

Qaradawi laments plight of Muslims, “The world is living under the total control of the Americans and Israel.”


Bombs hurled at Saddam condolence site in Bahrain

South/Central Asia: Think Tank Says US Aid Helped Afghanistan, Not Uzbekistan