Monthly Archives: January 2007


Over 1,000 Iraqi and U.S. forces are conducting an operation in Taleel Square in central Baghdad, and detained 15 insurgents in Haifa Street. The Iraqi Army detained an insurgent cell leader in Northern Baghdad, killed 3 insurgents in Baqubah, and is conducting an operation in Tahrir in north-central Iraq.

Downer shocks Saudis with extremist-mosque link


Iraq policy: Less a surge than a squirt


Philippine Rangers killed Binang Sal, an Abu Sayyaf bomb expert, during fighting on Jolo Island. Khaddafy Janjalani, the leader of Abu Sayyaf, is alive, according to his brother & Philippine intelligence officers. The government downplays the threat of terrorist attacks on the ASEAN summit.


A leader of the Basji claims Iran will block the Strait of Hormuz if the Iranian economy is threatened. The US has put sanctions on Bank Sepah, Iran’s fifth-largest state bank. The Arab nations fear Tehran’s influence in the Middle East, and wants US policy to counter this. The MEK terrorist group loses a court […]


Pakistan denies providing ‘covert assistance’ to the Taliban. Sixteen Taliban are arrested in Pashin. The US & Canada push Pakistan to reconsider mining the border, and Pakistan thinks twice. A look at the Taliban’s money men. A Pakistani from Waziristan recounts his path to become a suicide bomber.

Iraqi Army goes on the offensive

Iraqi Army and U.S. conduct operations in Baghdad, Diyala, Yusifiyah as U.S. plans to announce a troop surge Iraq. Click map to view. As the United States prepares to ‘surge’ more troops in Iraq, about 20,000 to 30,000 American soldiers and Marines according to most press accounts, the Iraqi government announced over the weekend it […]


Fresh Reports of Uighur Unrest in Xinjiang, China

U.S. Helicopters Pound al Qaeda Targets in Southern Somalia

U.S. conducts second overt strike in Somalia, USS Eisenhower on station Satellite map of southern Somalia. Click image to view. As we noted yesterday, the AC-130 gunship attack on al Qaeda leaders in Somalia, followed by the movement of the Eisenhower carrier group from the Persian Gulf region to the Somali coast, indicated the U.S. […]

The Pakistani Taliban Org Chart

A look at the most influential Pakistani Taliban, Uzbek and Arab leaders in North and South Waziristan Pakistan’s Northwest Frontier Province and Federally Administered Tribal Areas Since the fall of North and South Waziristan during the spring and summer of 2006, the Pakistani Taliban, along with affiliated al Qaeda, Uzbek and Arab groups have built […]


Jordan killed al Qaeda suspected of plotting massive attack


Crackshot kills, suicide bombs and surviving two bullets   everyday Afghan tales


Dead US Soldier in Anti-War Video ‘Alive and Well’


Ethiopia versus the Islamists – What the US military has been up to in the Horn of Africa.


US intelligence quietly backed Ethiopia in war against Somalia

U.S. Gunship fires on al Qaeda Leader and Operative in Somalia

An AC-130 fires on wanted al Qaeda leader and a ringeader of the 1998 U.S. Embasy bombings in Kenya & Tanzania The United States forces of Combine Joint Task Force Horn of Africa based out of Djibouti have actively weighed in on the fighting in Somalia. CBS News reports an AC-130 gunship has struck at […]


Regimental Combat Team 5 Welcomes Army Battalion

Al Qaeda

A Message from a Muslim in Waziristan Calling for Financial Support, Presented by al-Fajr Information Center


Somali Journalist on the Union of Islamic Courts: ‘The Nightmare is Over’