Monthly Archives: January 2007


One day after President Bush vowed to crack down on Iran for involvement with the insurgency, US forces raided the Iranian consulate in Ibril and detained five for involvement with the insurgency. Iraqi and U.S. forces raid Sadr Cirt last evening. SCIRI’s Hakim backs the government in its crackdown on militias.


Pakistan claims to have attacked destroyed “militant” vehicles “using artillery and mortar in the bordering town of Gorvek” in North waziristan. No word if this occurred in the same region as the NATO attack on Taliban forces crossing the Pakistani border into Paktika. Up to 150 Taliban are reported killed.

Iraq: The greatest enemy is the time

Die Weltwoche pubilshed an article on my experiences and impressions on Iraq and Anbar province, titled The greatest enemy is the time. The article is published in German, so I have reproduced the text here:


NATO and Afghan forces killed upward to 150 Taliban fighters in air and ground strikes after the Taliban crossed the Pakistani border. The Taliban crossed from Waziristan into Paktika province. The Taliban spokesman denies this.


Kenya has detained the wives and families of al Qaeda operatives Fazul Abdullah Mohammed and Saleh Ali Saleh Nabhan while they ncrossed the Kenyan border at Ras Kamboni. Ethiopian and Somali troops are said to be heavily engaged with ICU forces outside Ras Kamboni. Al-Sudani, Mohammed and Nabhan are still alive. The Somali Deputy PM […]

NRO Symposium on the New Strategy for Iraq

Iraq. Click map to view. I was invited to join a National Review Online Symposium on the New Strategy for Iraq. The questions were: Did the president say what needed to be said? Will it help? Also participating in the symposium are: Peter Brookes, Clark Judge, Clifford D. May, James S. Robbins, Joseph Morrison Skelly, […]


Statement from the Youth of Tawhid Wal Jihad in Tunisia Announcing Jihad

Al Qaeda

Changes on the Afghani Front on the Fifth Anniversary of the Crusaders™ Occupation of Afghanistan by al-Fajr Information Center


Twenty-five Taliban, including two mid-level commanders, surrendered to the Afghan government. British, Afghan, Estonian and Danish troops battled the Taliban in Helimand province. The government is recruiting thousands of auxiliary troops.


3,000 British troops to pull out of Iraq by May


In public, Molly wore purple … but two hours later The Times found her in a black burka in a madrassa linked to the Taliban

US sending stealth fighters to S Korea


India raises the ante on its space program


Sudan leader: U.N. forces not needed in Darfur

The New Iraq Strategy

Iraq. Click map to view. President Bush will announce his new security plan within the hour. The White House has made a fact sheet available online, as well as a Strategic Overview [PDF] of new Iraq plan. This evening I participated in a conference call with White House Press Secretary Tony Snow and Brett McGurk, […]


Three bomb blasts killed 7 and wounded 29 throughout the Philippines. The blasts occurred within hours of each other, and occurred within days of the ASEAN summit.


Indian airports on high alert after hijacking threats from Kashmiri

10 LTTE cadres killed by government forces in eastern Sri Lanka


Bush to order 21,500 more troops to Iraq

U.S. Airstrikes Continue in Southern Somalia

(Jan. 8, 2007) – An F/A-18C Hornet assigned to the “Wildcats” of Strike Fighter Squadron One Three One (VFA-131) lands aboard the flight deck of the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower. Click image to view. Reports of al Qaeda operative Fazul Abdullah Mohammed have yet to be confirmed The U.S. is continuing to […]