Monthly Archives: January 2007

From Waziristan to Afghanistan, and Back

The Taliban repatriate their dead fighters from Afghanistan back into Pakistan’s tribal agencies of North & South Waziristan The Taliban in Waziristan. Click image to view. Pakistan’s tribal agencies of North and South Waziristan continue to serve as Taliban safe havens and armed camps for attacks into Afghanistan. On January 11, the Pakistani military attacked […]


175 Taliban from South Waziristan have been killed in Afghanistan since 2005. “Families of the dead fighters were recently awarded certificates of commendation by the Taliban.” The ceremony “was presided over by Baitullah Mahsud.” The bodies of 25 Taliban were brought back to Miranshah, North Waziristan, where “the Taliban asked everyone to attend the funerals […]


US ground forces entered Somalia after an airstrike killed 8 to 10 terrorists. A Marine Special Operations Company is deploying the CENTCOM theater. Warlords in Mogadishu agreed to lay down their weapons after fighting with government forces in Mogadishu killed 8 and wounded 9.


The Algeria GSPC terrorists killed in a firefight with Tunisian police earlier this month had “images of sites of some foreign embassies” in their possession. The police “also confiscated documents containing a few names of foreign diplomats living in Tunisia and a quantity of traditional explosives.”


Baghdad, between Maliki’s plan and Bush’s strategy…


Iraq Security and Coalition Forces Conduct Major Offensive


NATO killed 13 Taliban in an airstrike on a headquarters Helmand province. USAID will begin work on a major hydroelectric dam in Helmand. Germany considers deploying Tornado fighter-bombers.


A Framework for thinking about Iraq Strategy

Pressuring Iran on Iraq

Another raid & detention of Iranian diplomats Following President Bush’s speech on a change in strategy and tactics in Iraq, which contained unusually harsh language with respect to Iran and its involvement in the Iraqi insurgency, the United States wasted no time in firing its first shot across the bow of the Islamic Republic of […]


China hints at threat of Qaeda-style group


Gulbadeen Hekmatyar claims the Taliban are not infiltrating Afghanistan from Pakistan. In the aftermath of the Pakistani government attack on Taliban crossing the border into Afghanistan, “heavy weapons including rockets and rocket launchers” were found. Pakistan will have representation in the Kabul Joint Intelligence Operations Center.


A Sadr aide says US troops will “go home in coffins”. Iraq is seeking the release of the Iranians that were arrested near the consulate in Irbil. The Irians were applying for, but did not have diplomatic status. The Haifa Street area has been cordoned off after fierce battles that killed over 50.

Iraqi soldier killed by ‘boy bomber™


A blast at the US Embassy in Athens, Greece was described as a terror attack by the Attica chief of police. The description may indicate an RPG was used. “There was a shell that exploded in the toilets of the building … It was fired from street level.” No one was kiled or wounded.

First Marine spec ops company deploys

Marine posthumously awarded Medal of Honor


Iran, Syria denounce Bush’s Iraq plan

Pentagon chief seeks bigger Army, Marine Corps


Military solution no option in Darfur: U.N. envoy


Hezbollah is a growing danger to US, intelligence chief says


Hezbollah weapons and supplies found hidden along northern border


Bangladesh under Emergency: Islamic Militants Might Have Free Run Amid Chaos


US sends warplanes to Turkey’s Incirlik military base


(Iraq) Chemical Ali admits ordering executions

Al Qaeda

Gulbuddin Hekmatyar said his fighters helped Osama bin Laden escape from US forces in 2001