Monthly Archives: January 2007

US warns Iran on Iraq ‘meddling’


Pakistan to Receive First of Eight P-3 C Orion from United States


“30 Taliban were killed and another 20 were wounded” during 2 days of NATO and Afghan operations in Helmand province. The Canadians established police stations across Panjwai, Kandahar, and will rely on the police to rebuff a Taliban spring offensive. Japan is increasing military ties with NATO.


Iraq’s Talabani visits Assad seeking closer ties


Sadr’s Mahdi Army is reported to be going to ground in anticipation of the Baghdad Security operation. Sadr is moving some forces to Diwaniyah while Sunni insurgents are heading to Diyala. A Kurdish brigade is training to fight in urban settings, and deploying to Baghdad, while the 4th Brigade, 1st Divison is deploying from Fallujah. […]


MNF-Iraq on the five Iranians detained in Irbil, Iraq: “[they are] connected to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard – Qods Force (IRGC-QF), an organization known for providing funds, weapons, improvised explosive device technology and training to extremist groups attempting to destabilize the Government of Iraq and attack Coalition forces.” Iran demands their release.


Somalia’s defense minister said Ras Kabomi has been taken, and the Islamists have fled into the woods west of the base. Parliament has approved a 3 month state of emergency, but the Speaker, who has ties to the Islamic Courts, opposes it. Warlords have agreed to merge their forces with the military.


Mullah Mohammad Nazir said he hasn’t seen bin Laden or Zawahiri, but “We hope to see them and if they show up in our area we will protect them with our bodies and souls.” The US will create ‘Reconstruction Opportunity Zones™ in FATA despite the al Qaeda and Taliban sanctuaries. Tribal leaders back fencing the […]

Iranian Qods Force Agents Detained in Irbil Raid

US Pressure uncovers further evidence of Iran’s involvement with the Iraqi insurgency and al Qaeda Qods Force logo. Click image to view. Thursday’s raid on an Iranian liaison office and the subsequent arrest of five Iranians has provided further evidence of the Islamic Republic’s interference in Iraqi affairs and involvement with the insurgency. Multinational Forces […]


Iran Leader’s Nuke Diplomacy Questioned


Terrorists ‘use Google maps to hit UK troops’


Warlords join forces with Somalia’s army in quest for peace


Insurgents Killed in Afghan Fighting Reportedly Are Sent Back to Pakistan

ASEAN leaders to get tougher on terror


The Ministry of Interior fired 6,000 employees in an effort to purge militias. Iraqi Army and police detained 47 insurgents in Fallujah in joint operation. Special Iraqi Army Forces and Iraqi National Police detained the Imam of the Al-Mahdi Mosque in Balad for terrorist activites.


Syria insists it is cooperating on Iraqi security


There is no plan to attack Iran, said the US. President Bush authorized the raid on the Iranian diplomatic mission in Iraq. President Ahmadinejad travels to Latin America to visit allies. The slow pace of Iran’s nuclear program puzzles experts.

USS Ronald Reagan to fill in for Pacific Fleet™s Kitty Hawk


Hostage escapes from FARC captors in Colombia military operation


Surge in Killing as “Last Chance” Nears

Security Plan Focuses on Broader Region, Officials Say