Back in Iraq

I’m back in Iraq for a brief embed with a Police Transition Team in the Habbaniyah region, which is just west of Fallujah. This will complement my coverage from Fallujah in December of 2006, and will allow me to compare and contrast the state of the Iraqi Police in the two regions.

If you would like to contribute to this embed, you can use the PayPal button. Or, if you prefer to send a check, email me at [email protected] and I will send you an address. Thank you as always for your support and best wishes.

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


  • Nicholas says:

    Well, this is a surprise. Stay safe, and have fun if possible!
    Sorry for not contributing lately, a bit broke, but I’ll try my best to send something you way when that changes. You’re doing an excellent job. Thanks for all the great posts lately.

  • Michael says:

    Stay safe and Thank you for your efforts! Look forward to your updates and God be with you.
    Michelle Malkin just got back and has posted footage at One of the Iraqi’s speaking english at the end said it all. They need Americans to help them through this difficult time.

  • Jackie Worthington says:

    Stay safe, thanks for your reports and you’ll, as our troops will be in my prayers. Can you confirm or comment on reports at Gateway Pundit about the Turks and Iranian troops massing on the border near the Kurdish area???
    thanks mucho.

  • DJ Elliott says:

    Habenaya. Write about 3-1 Bde’s Panhards and the 1IAD DivTroops if you get a chance.
    That is also the Regional Training Center.
    On another topic in Iraq:
    – I still have not seen a press release or formal announcement that 10th IAD has turned over to IGFC. Only what Gen Casey said on 15 Jan.
    – If I hadn’t asked CPIC about the ID of the “fifth of 10 Divisions”, I still would not know:
    —– Original Message —–
    From: “Garver Christopher C LTC MNFI CPIC”
    To: (deleted for privacy)
    Cc: “Mitchell Vincent MAJ MNFI CPIC” ;
    “Mitchel Tommy CPT MNFI CPIC” ; “Press Desk”
    Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2007 1:24 AM
    Subject: [UNCLASSIFIED] FW: Fifth of 10???
    Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
    It is now five — the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 8th, and 10th.
    Hopefully this helps,
    Christopher C. Garver
    LTC, US Army
    CPIC Director, MNF-I
    US: (703) 270-0882 or (703) 343-8791
    Int’l Cell: (914) 360-6725
    Iraqna: 07901 654 747
    CPIC Press Desk: (703) 270-0299 / 0320
    Press Desk: [email protected] The latest news from MNF-I:

  • Trevor says:

    God speed Bill! It was a pleasure meeting you in Iraq last December. I know your reporting will be accurate and unbiased.

  • Iraq Report, 22 Jan/07

    JAN 22/07 TOPICS INCL: ugly weekend in Iraq; al Sadr’s faction returns to legislature; Kurds come to Baghdad; Yon back to Baghdad; mistakes were made; surge logistics; last chance for Iraq(?); restarting Iraq’s factories; Russians may land oil contract…


Islamic state



Al shabaab

Boko Haram
