ISI strategy to infiltrate Indian army ‘as old as Pakistan™, says Gul
ISI strategy to infiltrate Indian army ‘as old as Pakistan™, says Gul
Afghan Pact with NATO to be made public
Hamed Al-‘Ali’s Eid Address to Muslims – Jihad is intended to “reestablish the Islamic Caliphate which will represent all Muslims around the world”
Analysis: Need for terror experts queried
Afghan intelligence officers seized two trucks transporting hundreds of kilograms of bomb-making materials
CNN reports Muhsin Musa Matwalli Atwah, a wanted al Qaeda leader involved in the Kenya and Tanzania attacks in 1998, has been confirmed killed. This is ‘old news’ as we reported Atwah as being killed on April 13 during a Pakistani airstrike in North Waziristan. Most likely remains were recently found that allowed the DNA […]
The IAF will continue to conduct overflights of Lebanon. “Hundreds of tunnels intended for arms smuggling” are being dug along the Egypt-Gaza border. Fatah is said to be preparing for a showdown with Hamas in Gaza after Eid.
The Islamic Courts and the transitional government are due to clash in central Somalia Islamic Courts controlled cities and towns marked in red. Click map to view. The showdown in the central Somali town of Baidoa, where the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) has established its capital since the rise of the Islamic Courts, appears to […]
Ethiopia says “technically” at war with Somali Islamists
Army alert to counter Chad rebels
Proposal Could Ban Missile Sales To Iran
Afghan troops draw praise for bravery
Pakistan will not include ISI in joint Indian/Pakistani anti-terror effort
US soldier kidnapped on family visit in Baghdad
“Credible evidence” of Pak involvement in Mumbai train blasts: PM
Video of press briefing with Gen. Casey and US Ambassador to Iraq Zalmay Khalilzad
Since I’ve implemented the policy of moderating comments, I’ve had to delete or edit comments less and less as time went on, to the point that I’m no longer doing this on a regular basis. I’m going to switch the comments back to an unmoderated state – in other words, any comments published to the […]
‘Arms to farms™ helps ex-MNLF, Abu Sayyaf get on with life
South Asia: Will North Waziristan Peace Deal Spawn Imitations?
Pakistan arrests 3 linked to Rawalpindi park blast
Taliban-style militants roam N Waziristan after pact
President Musharraf will chair a Loya Jirga on November 8, consisting of Baloch and Pashtun leaders. India accused the ISI of infiltrating the armed forces and ‘espionage activity.’ AQ Khan has smuggled several P2 nuclear centrifuges to Dubai, which were likely transferred to Iran and North Korea.
Bin Laden’s fingerprints seen on ruins of Bamiyan Buddhas
Missile fired at French plane in Chad, France says
Troops Take On Insurgent Haven – US Forces Expect Counterattacks After Capturing Compound South of Baghdad
Sadr continues his double game and U.S. and Iraq forces dance with Sadr in central and southern Iraq Muqtada al-Sadr. U.S. forces continue to chip away at Muqtada al-Sadr’s power base in Iraq. The Kuwaiti News Agency reports on two small raids against the offices of Sadr’s Mahdi Army in the cities of Hillah and […]
Khalilzad: Success in Iraq still possible
Berri Crosses Lebanon’s Red Line
Conclusion First, Debate Afterwards; The stacked Baker-Hamilton Commission
At Least Six Palestinians Die in Clashes With Israel