Bomb Attacks Kill at Least 16 in Baghdad
Bomb Attacks Kill at Least 16 in Baghdad
Israeli jets violate Lebanese airspace as France protests
A change in strategy may be in order, but how much of a change will it be? Iraqi Army units ‘in the lead.’ Map courtesy of MNF-Iraq. Click map to view. The results of U.S. midterm elections will clearly have an impact on U.S. policy in Iraq. Less than one day after the Democrats took […]
Muslim insurgents detonate 8 bombs simultaneously at car and motorcycle showrooms in southern Thailand, injuring 9. The Thai junta has lifted a ban on politcal assembly and may end martial law by November 18th.
Airports across India are on high alert after a specific al Qaeda threat against airports in Tamil Nadu and Kerala. Two of Dawood Ibrahim’s lieutenants have been arrested in the UAE.
Tamil Tigers, Sri Lanka clash in sea battle
U.N.: No Evidence of Uranium-based Munitions Used in Lebanon
Puntland arrested 12 supporters of the Islamic Courts in Galkayo, a city just north of recent fighting between the ICU and Puntland forces. An ICU spokesman for central Somalia claims they will take Galkayo and regions north by force. Aways, Indhoaade and Sharif tout the capture of a pirated ship. The ICU has banned all […]
The exit strategy – Victory in Afghanistan means understanding what we can achieve there, then sticking to it
NATO kills 15 insurgents in eastern Afghanistan after a patrol is attacked. Canadian forces, Afghan police killed 28 Taliban in the Zari district of Kandahar. The French are seriously considering withdrawing the 200 special forces (our sources say this is due to anger over the Musa Qala agreement.) India will host an international conference on […]
Canada says has broken S. Afghan Taliban uprising
Muslims workers win back security clearance at Paris airport
Ambassador Khalilzad attempts to reassure Iraqis on the results of the U.S. election. Four al Qaeda were killed and 48 captured during a raid in Ramadi. Ten al Qaeda were killed near Muqdadiyah. U.S. soldiers killed 38 and wounded 9 terrorists after an attack on their base in Baghdad. Seventeen members of a death squad […]
Hamas’ military wing has called for Muslims worldwide to attack the U.S.. Senior Hamas officials say ‘We Want [All of] Palestine, from the River to the Sea’; ‘Resistance and Jihad Are Legitimate’. Israel has withdrawn a large portion of its forces from Gaza. The IAF killed the leader of Hamas’s Kassam rocket firing unit, along […]
Chechen gunmen ambush Russian patrol, kill seven soldiers
Al Qaeda Undercover Video of New York City Led to Life Sentence
Subdued Saddam calls for end to faction fighting
Yemen al Qaeda warns US allies of new attacks
Israel Withdraws Most Forces From Gaza Strip
Palestinians: Israeli strike in Gaza kills 18 – Tank fire killed civilians, officials say; Israeli says military investigating
Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld has resigned, and will be replaced by former CIA Director Robert Gates. “Gates is a member of the Iraq Study Group…” A shift in the Iraq policy is expected after the Democrats won the house, and potentially the Senate.
Sudan Points Finger In Darfur Slaughter – Accuses ‘Renegade Arab Tribesmen’ Of Killing 33 In Raid Last Month
Somali Islamists free pirate ship
(Sri Lanka) Rebels claim 45 civilians killed
Madrid bombing suspect jailed in Italy
Over 20 wounded in attack on Pakistani Army training base in the Northwest Frontier Province As the Pakistani government continues to press for a peace accord in Bajaur and elsewhere in the tribal areas bordering Afghanistan, a suicide bomber strikes at an Army base in Dargai in the Northwest Frontier Province. Over 42 Pakistani Army […]
A suicide bomber killed 42 Pakistani soldiers and wounded 20 at an Army base in Dargai in the NWFP. NWFP Governor Orkazi was the target of a rocket attack in Wana, South Waziristan. The 3 survivors of the Bajaur airstrikes are in a secret location. Musharraf will address “militancy” with both military power and peace […]
Thousands of Afghan Pashtuns protested Pakistan’s interference inside Afghanistan, and claim Pakistan is harboring the Taliban. Schools are being reopened in Helmand province. The Afghan Army will take up to 10 years to develop.
School staff shot dead, rail station bombed in Thai violence
Moroccan-born Dane on trial for promoting terrorism