Monthly Archives: December 2006


Israel Warns of Al Qaeda Attack on Lebanon Peacekeepers


Sectarian violence rages on. President Talabani blasted the report of the Iraq Study Group and denounced its recommendations for his country. U.S. Defense Secretary Rumsfeld visited Iraq on farewell trip to thank US troops.


The conflict in Sudan has spilled over the border of Darfur into Chad and the Central African Republic. Heavy fighting erupted in eastern Chad Saturday between the military and rebels. Kofi Annan “is deeply concerned about the worsening security situation in Darfur and its consequences” on the rest of the region.

al-Zawraa: Muj TV

The Iraqi insurgency has a satellite TV station, called al-Zawraa. Insurgent propaganda, 24/7, believed to be broadcast from Syria. Al-Zawraa muj spokesman. Click image to view. FALLUJAH, iRAQ: The information front in the Long War is perhaps the war’s most vital. And it is one front where the West is perceived as losing. While Coalition […]

Sri Lanka

Over 3000 civilians flee Sri Lanka’s northeast to escape heavy artillery duels between the military and the LTTE. Both sides have accused the other of targeting civilians. The Red Cross called on both sides to protect the civilian populations.

Gulf States

Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates announced today that they intend to work jointly to develop nuclear energy capabilities. They said that today’s announcement was not in response to Iran’s crisis.


Oman drops plan to join Gulf single currency by 2010

Hearts & Minds

Mortar Attack on the Fallujah Police; the PTT Medics Doc J helps an Iraqi policeman out of the JCC. Click image to view. FALLUJAH, IRAQ: Fallujah continues to remain a dangerous place for the U.S. military, Iraqi Army and the Iraqi police. Insurgents lobbed three 120 millimeter mortars inside the Fallujah Government Center this afternoon. […]


Head of Golkar’s religious committee, Yahya Zaini, resigns after cellphone sex video with singer and Golkar youth wing leader Maria Eva spreads across the Internet. Eva, who had an abortion and is now under investigation for “indecency,” rides publicity wave and appears on numerous TV shows. Meanwhile, Playboy Indonesia editor begins his own indecency trial […]


ICU claims Ethiopian troops shelled a central Somalia town


Separate attacks in troubled southern Russian provinces kill 4, wound 11


Iraq: Coalition forces seize 5 insurgent leaders


Uneasy Havens Await Those Who Flee Iraq


Norwegian-based Islamic cleric added to UN sanctions list

United Kingdom

Britain: Blair toughens stance on religious tolerance and cultural assimilation


Fighting broke out 19 miles southwest of Baidoa. The ICU held a demonstration in Mogadishu to protest the U.N. proposal for African Union troop deployments to Somalia. Uganda is ready to send a battalion once its Parliament approves the engagement.


An updated draft of proposed UN Security Council sanctions on Iran ease restrictions on sale and purchase of some goods. Iran announced that it may file suit in the International Court of Justice for denial of nuclear rights. Germany spoke out against the Holocaust conference in Iran scheduled for Sunday and Monday.


20 were killed in a raid and air strike in Sunni village northwest of Baghdad. Three freed Iraqi hostages from Christian Peacemaker Teams forgave their captors and pushed for leniecy. The Iraqi Army graduated 500 new troops. Japan extends ASDF Iraq airlift mission until the end of July.


Manila postponed the ASEAN summit scheduled for next week due to an incoming tropical storm. This alleviates concern over the terror threat to the conference, which the Filipino government denies.


Day 9: Lebanese President Emile Lahoud vows that the demonstrations will not spark a sectarian war. Escalation is expected on Sunday. The Lebanese Army denied that PM Siniora had ordered confiscation of weapons transported to the resistance in southern Lebanon, as Nasrallah asserted yesterday. Siniora has accused Nasrallah of plotting a coup.

A Day Inside Fallujah

A small scale attack on the Fallujah Government Center; Fallujah Police form the SMG Fallujah Police truck destroyed by IED on December 7. Click image to view. FALLUJAH, IRAQ: As the American mission in Iraq is increasingly focusing on transitioning security responsibilities to the Iraqi Security Forces, the American Military and Police Transition Teams are […]