Monthly Archives: December 2006


A roadside blast killed one NATO soldier and injured two others in eastern Afghanistan. NATO troops launched an offensive in the South. Sen. McCain calls on NATO partners to provide more troops to fight the Taliban.


PM Maliki announced at a two-day conference to end sectarian violence an Iraqi army campaign to recruit former officers. Maliki also said that he hopes for a swift ruling on Saddam’s appeal. Military planners and White House budget analysts have been asked to provide President Bush with options for increasing U.S. forces. An Iraqi court […]

Sri Lanka

LTTE leader Prabhakaran declared three days for mourning for his best friend Anton Balasingham, the LTTE’s chief negotiator and ideologue, who died from cancer. A powerful roadside bomb was found in northern Sri Lanka shortly before an army convoy was to pass through. 3000 Tamils flee the troubled South to government-held territory.

Palestinian Territories

President Abbas, of Fatah, calls for early Palestinian elections. Hamas decried the announcement as a coup. Tens of thousands gathered in Gaza City yesterday to support PM Haniyeh, of Hamas, after an attempt on his life.


Civilians flee the area of Baidoa as both the TFG and UIC prepare for combat. The ICU-issued deadline for Ethopians to leave the country by Tuesday draws closer. Pakistan issued a denial that it supports the UIC.

Battling the Insurgency in Fallujah

The Fallujah security situation; a nighttime raid with Charlie Company 1/24 As the the Iraqi Army, Fallujah Police and U.S. military work to secure Fallujah, the war in the shadows continues. Insurgents rarely fight in the open. Their tactics consist of intimidation, drive by shootings, roadside bombs, indirect mortar fire and the increasingly dangerous sniper […]

Palestinian Territories

PM Haniya returned home to quell the wave of violence in Gaza. A judge in Hamas was assasinated by gunmen. In Gaza City, a gun battle broke out when police came to arrest a Hamas-affiliated militant. Palestinians fired a rocket into Israel, but there were no casualties.


The appointment of Maulvi Muhammad Nazir as the new emir of the Taliban in South Waziristan is causing divisions between commanders. Maulvi Muhammad Nazir has appointed a foreign religious scholar to set up a Peace Committee to oversee the implementation of sha’riah in South Waziristan. FATA Security Secretary Arbab Mohammad Arif is rejecting allegations that […]

Taliban want no part in tribal peace talks


Saudi Arabia has told the Bush administration that it might provide financial backing to Iraqi Sunnis in a conflict with the Iraqi Shi’ites if the US leaves Iraq. A number of radical clerics including Safar al-Hawali have called upon the Muslim world to mobilize against Shi’ites in Iraq.

Sadr Office in Al-Kut raided by Iraqi Army

Egyptian police probing Muslim Brotherhood militia


Ahmadinejad says, “The Zionist regime will disappear soon, the same way the Soviet Union disappeared.” The Iranian Holocaust conference, which drew criticism from the US, Germany, and many other sources, closed today.


Thousands of ICU fighters have surrounded Baidoa, the only remaining town under the control of Somalia TFG. Somali Prime Minister Ali Mohamed Gedi claims that as many as 3,000 foreign fighters are fighting alongside the ICU with more arriving every day.

Embed Update, CSM & Pakistan

A Change of Plans I’ve decided to change the travel plan, and will not visit Ramadi. There are several reasons. I will lose a couple of days transiting to Ramadi, days that can be well spent embedded. Here at the Government Center in Fallujah, the Military Transition Team, the Police Transition Team, and Charlie 1/24 […]

Spirit of America in Anbar

Originally posted at Spirit of America on December 6. Major Britt Rosenberry, the Army Special Operations Liason officer serving in Fallujah, has just placed an order with Spirit of America for bulk of school supplies. The order consists of several thousand backpacks filled with notepads, books, pens, pencils and other school materials for the children […]


Olmert, in Europe, hints Israel has nuclear arms

Palestinian Territories

In Gaza City gunmen riddled the car of an intelligence chief linked to the Fatah Party with bullets, killing his three sons. Armed gunmen also attempted Sunday to assassinate Palestinian Interior Minister Said Siam, a member of the Islamic Hamas ruling party. Palestinian PM Haniyeh, of the Hamas party, warns that early elections would lead […]


Taliban and Allies Tighten Grip in North of Pakistan


Sudan: Gunmen on horseback kill at least 30 civilians


For Iraq’s Sunnis, Conflict Closes In


Lebanon: President Lahoud refuses to endorse Hariri tribunal, calls government illegal