Monthly Archives: December 2006


Saudis report Shi’ite ‘state’ inside of Iraq


Iraq Qaeda-linked Group Calls for War on Shi’ites


Malaysian Terrorist Suspect Poses Christmas Threat In Indonesia


Somali govt lines up peacekeepers, Islamist deadline looms


Spain: Judge detains seven suspected Islamic radicals

Al Qaeda

Video Expected soon from al Qaeda # 2, Ayman al-Zawahiri


Over 200 Taliban crossed the Pakistani frontier and attacked an Afghan outpost in Khost. Pakistan denied Mullah Omar is operating in Quetta, and said he is in Kandahar. The secretary general of the MMA claims he holds the keys to peace in Afghanistan, and again admits to supporting the Taliban. Three suspects in the Dargai […]


The governor of Kandahar claims the former Taliban minister of for the promotion of virtue and prevention of vice (the religious police) has been killed in an airstrike along with 30 Taliban. The Taliban denies he was killed. An Afghan general is being held for spying for Pakistan. France may send troops to the battle […]


The ICU appears to be backing down on an ultimatum for Ethiopian to withdraw from Somalia. Yemen is attempting to broker a peace agreement between the ICU and Ethiopian. A TFG minister claims no government militias defected to the Islamists. The ICU has arrested two more reporters in Mogadishu.

Palestinian Territories

A 16-year old boy was shot in the neck this morning, despite the ceasefire agreed upon yesterday. Tony Blair is now in Israel to meet Israeli PM Olmert and Palestinian President Abbas.


Israeli Defense Minister hints at willingness to speak with Syria


Gunmen wearing Iraqi army uniforms kidnapped more than two dozen people from Baghdad’s Red Crescent office. Tony Blair visited Iraq and reiterated his support for the Iraqi government. Coalition forces captured ten militants involved in building IEDs.


Iran offers nuclear technology to its neighbours

Palestinian Territories

Hamas will boycott early elections. Violence escalates and mortars have been fired into President Abbas’s Gaza office. The foreign minister’s convoy was attacked. The economic crisis lingers, and resolution to the political situation appears equally difficult.


The chairman of the ICU and the TFG parliament speaker met in Yemen. A Puntland Islamic Courts is urging Somalis to fight the Ethiopians. A bomb was detonated behind a Mogadishu hotel owned by a “leading Islamic Courts ally and financer,” and may have targeted an ICU official.


U.S. leaders are admitting the Pakistan-Afghan border is a Taliban safe haven. The Taliban denies it is receiving support from Pakistan. Pakistan claims to have turned over 500 Taliban to Afghanistan. Jamaat-e-Islami will boycott the January election to replace a minister that resigned over the Bajuar airstrike.


On patrol with 3 Company, 3-2-1 Iraqi Army in southern Fallujah 3 Company plays soccer at The ROC. Click image to view. FALLUJAH, IRAQ: The mission of the Police and Military Transition Teams here in Fallujah is to assist with the turnover of the city to the Iraqis. This is happening, slowly but surely. In […]


Iraqi police finds two dead bodies in Kirkuk

Islamic caliphate a dream, not reality: experts