Monthly Archives: December 2006


Sistani now supports a non-Shia based coalition government. Task Force 145 captured the military emir of Mosul. Abu Deraa, the Mahdi Army death squad leader, is alive and well. Four senior tribal leaders from Diyala were murdered after attending a conference of the province’s tribes. The Iraqi Army is beginning to take the lead in […]

Al Qaeda

Fugitive al Qaeda American James Ujaama Arrested in Belize

(Somalia) Three injured in attack on Mogadishu Internet cafe


“Hezbollah is still present in the villages and countryside of southern Lebanon”


[UPDATE 2] Afghanistan has arrested a Pakistani intelligence officer “who acted as a key link with al Qaeda leaders” and served as a ‘Bin Laden escort.’ An intelligence source informs us Sayed Akbar works for the ISI is a colonel. General Khair Mohammed, the Afghan general that was arrested yesterday, was one of Akbar’s contact […]


Two explosions in oil facilities in Nigeria’s Delta


Guns silent as Somali Islamists’ deadline passes

Jordan’s King Hosts Israeli PM for Talks


The US may deploy a second aircraft carrier to the Persian Gulf to pressure Iran. The US wants the UNSC to pass a resolution on Iran’s nuclear program within days. President Ahmadinejad may have suffered a defeat in the elections for local councils and for the Assembly of Experts.

Spirit of America at Work in Fallujah

Fallujah children with Spirit of America backpacks. Click image to view. While walking a patrol with the Iraqi Army in Fallujah last week, I ran across a group of young children heading to school. Many of them had backpacks, and all of the backpacks were identical. This immediately made me think of Spirit of America’s […]


Attacks have been at a two year high over the past 3 months. It should be remembered that Ramadan, coupled with the US election, played a role in the rise in violence. Iraq’s economy is doing surprisingly well. A Sadr aide and IED cell leader was arrested in Kut. An INP battalion commander was relieved […]


Four Taliban were killed in an airstrike in Kandahar. Canadian forces are again on the offensive in Kandahar’s Panjwaii district, part of the larger Operation Falcon Summit. The Taliban have executed two “spies,” beheading one and stabbing another, then “hanging his body from a tree.”


Thailand may hold peace talks with Muslims in Brunei, says Mahathir’s NGO

US seeks to rein in its military spy teams


al Qaeda is training westerners in Pakistan. Pakistani intelligence indicates the TNSM, “the Pakistani Taliban,” is targeting “British and US diplomats and nationals” as revenge for the Chingai madrassa airstrike. Musharraf said “he had himself watched ‘Bajaur militants getting training in suicide attacks.’” The US does not plan to sign a nuclear deal with Pakistan.

Palestinian Territories

New gunbattles between Hamas and Fatah in Gaza has claimed three lives and wounded dozens of others. Fighting has been reported inside a hospital and outside the General Intelligence building. A governor associated with Fatah was targeted for assassination.

Al Qaeda

Ayman al-Zawahiri is due to release a videotape, which will be produced by As Sahad. The video is said to focus onn the “truth about the fight between Islam and unbelievers.”

The Military Transition Teams and the Development Iraqi Army

The MTT Mission; Successes and setbacks with the Iraqi Army The MTT at The ROC. Click image to view. FALLUJAH, IRAQ: While critics of the Iraq Army continue to question the capabilities of the units and soldiers, a real move towards operational independence is occurring within the Iraqi Army. Last year, I embedded with the […]


Saddam says responsible for any Iran gas attacks


Nigeria: Explosions rock Shell, Agip’s facilities in Port Harcourt


The Khat effect: The last battle of Somalia™s Islamists


Mujahedin fighters return to Spain from Iraq