Monthly Archives: November 2006


More than 500 gunmen killed, arrested in Iraq last week


al Qaeda group denies arrest of operative


The Shiite Zarqawi: A Profile of Abu Deraa

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia will build a fence along the Iraqi border. Two Saudi al Qaeda who escaped from prison in 2005 were killed in Iraq, according to a videotape honoring their deaths.


The directors of the CIA and DIA stated the Taliban and al Qaeda are resurgent in Afghanistan due to safe havens along the Pakistani border. Canada’s defense minister claimed many Taliban leaders have been killed in fighting in the south, and 1,500 more troops are needed.


The Guardian reports the Baker report will recommend increasing the number of US troops by 20,000. US forces killed 9 al Qaeda and detained 9 in Yusifiyah, while the Iraqi Army is conducting a brigade sized operation (about 1,000 troops) in Kirkuk. The Iraqi government ordered the arrest of Harith al-Dari, head of the Muslim […]


Khamenei Tells Berri US, Israel Will be Defeated in Lebanon

The Somali Jihad

CBN’s Erick Stakelbeck followed up his report on western Pakistan with a look at the other forgotten front in the Long War: Somalia. We’ve documented the rise of the al Qaeda backed Islamic Courts Union. Erick interviewed Daveed Gartenstein-Ross and me, as well Adam Hassan, a representative of the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia Erick […]

Al Qaeda

German 9/11 trial underscores need for better global cooperation


Top General Faces Off Against Lawmakers


Eritrean president assails US for stoking conflicts


Aways, the leader of the Islamic Courts, calls the UN report on foreign involvement “a fabrication.” Kofi Annan calls for neighboring countries to “stay out.” The ICU is burning khat, and the Somali Tobacco Company is burning its stock. The ICU arrested 22 smokers in Kismayo, “where they will be flogged if found guilty of […]


The parliamentary defense secretary admits he was once a member of the terror group Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT). President Musharraf said “the government would deal strictly against terrorists.” Two Pakistanis with homemade bombs are detained inside Afghanistan. “similar devices have been used by Taliban,” reports Dawn.

The Wazristan Accords in the News

CBN’s Erick Stakelbeck has produced an excellent report on the situation in Waziristan. Erick interviewed Daveed Gartenstein-Ross and me, as well as Pakistani Ambassador Mahmud Ali Durrani. Mr. Durrani continues to cling to the Pakistani party line that the Waziristan Accord is a positive development, despite the mountain of evidence showing the Taliban have repeatedly […]

Al Qaeda

al Qaeda™s Spymaster Analyzes the US Intelligence Community (PDF) (also see our analysis and the full document)


President Bush has initiated a separate review of Iraq policy. U.S. and Iraqi forces captured Abdullah Juburi, a top al Qaeda leader, in Baghdad. Only two are still in captivity after yesterday’s kidnapping. “I do not need only the captives to be released, but I also want those who did that act,” said PM Maliki. […]


Israeli intelligence said a large scale operation is needed to restore order in Gaza if the PA collapses. An Israeli woman is killed in a Qassam rocket attack launched from Gaza, as the Defense Minister calls for broadening operations in Gaza. The IDF detained 16 terrorists in the West Bank.


IDF captures 16 in counter-terror operations in the West Bank


Suspects confess to terror links, says Yemen


Bush Initiates Iraq Policy Review Separate From Baker Group’s


Dargai and Chenagai: Waiting to hear Zawahiri’s version