Monthly Archives: November 2006


Sudan closing off Darfur to outside world


Police raided two hideouts and found 10 kilograms of the explosive RDX, as well as small arms. Two LeT terrorists were killed by police. Kashmiri villager captured a LeT terrorist and handed him over to the police.

Nalchik Terror Attack Organizer Promises New Terror Against Russia

Three Fighters Captured in Ingushetia


The UN General Assembly has voted for Israel to halt Gaza operations. Three Palestinians are killed after throwing rocks & firebombs at IDF arresting a “senior Hamas operative” in Kalkilya. Islamic Jihad will “consider” halting rocket attacks from Gaza.

Blast kills four soldiers in Sri Lanka


Key facts about Iraqi Sunni leader Dari


German prosecutors demand arrest of 9-11 suspect Montassadeq


Iraqi Special Forces conducted a raid in Sadr City, searching for a “kidnapping cell.”. US and British troops are hunting for the captured American and Austrian security contractors in the southern Iraqi city of Safwan. The Iraq Survey group met with Syria’s foreign minister twice to discuss security in Iraq. The 15th MEU is now […]

Bombings, al Qaeda Recruiting in Pakistan

Blasts in Lahore, Peshawar; al Qaeda openly recruits in Pakistan Bombings in Lahore and Peshawar. Click map to view. Pakistan has been hit by two bombing in the cities of Lahore and Peshawar. The attacks occurred within hours of each other, and the first strike occurred in Peshawar. A 20 year old suicide bomber named […]

Podcast on Iraq at

I joined Ward Carroll, the Editor of, for his weekly podcast. We discussed how I first embedded in Iraq in 2005, the current situation in Iraq, the implication of the midterm election and what I think needs to be done to improve the security situation (hint: increase the number of troops to clean al […]


A Sunni called the Mujahideen in Lebanon threated Hezbollah for conspiring “to fully control Lebanon in alliance with Lebanon’s Crusaders and to eliminate the Sunni sect once and for all.” Hezbollah claims it will not continue talks but will conduct “peaceful protests.” The UN recommends the Hariri tribunal be held outside of Lebanon.


Pakistan successfully testfires Hataf V Ghouri ballistic missile with range of 1300km


Coalition forces are dwindling as US mulls next move in Iraq


Thai terrorists detonated bombs in 3 locations in southern Thailand, killing 1 and wounding 27. The military coup against Thaksin was carried out “because he had weakened the military.” The interim prime minister calls for youth programs to “help deter the teenagers from being roped in and brainwashed by insurgents.”

Iraq: Ramping Up or Drawing Down Forces, and the Baker Report

Marines deploy a MEU to Anbar, a Baker report possibility Iraq. Click map to view. After the Democrats seized the House and Senate during the U.S. midterm election, the concern has been how the change in Congressional leadership would impact Iraqi policy. Would the Democrats demand an immediate withdrawal, leaving the nascent Iraqi government and […]


In Mogadishu, the Islamic Courts opened fire on a crowd protesting the banning of Khat. A 13 year old boy iwa killed and others are wounded. A curfew has been imposed in Mogadishu after the riots. U.S. Marines are conducting joint operations with the Kenyan military on the Somali border.

United States

Man Stopped at Port of Entry With Large Cash Sums and Laptop With Nuclear Information


(Sudan) Misery deepens as Janjaweed infiltrate the refugee camps

Oil prices settle at one-year low


Civilian Convoy Hijacked In Iraq – Up To 14 Captured, Including 4 Americans


Since October, Indonesia released over 60 terrorists, including some connected to the Bali bombings. A Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) operative is sentenced to 3 years in prison for sheltering Noordin Top. JI leader Bashir calls for peaceful protests against President Bush’s visit.